iNtakE.Gaming vs haxiorZ (3555 views)

ca dYNk
us Justin
us hAbo
us Nick
be Marcinat0r
pl pTk
nl ramsey
05.04.10 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Manager: misss (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 498
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


gl marcinator;)
i wanna bet on this game !!! OMG
need acceptance :P
gl marcinator
gl dYNK (new talent)
i am not playign i gtg :(
gl bebit ;)
4:) for our 1 player of inTake went to refere and kick our gtfo :) 4:0 haxiorZ thx :*
Demos will prove wrong, the players abusing where not ours, you won SP and then we fullheld braun, deciding map was supply we finished B with a 10 minute time, you are yet to try to beat it because you haven't come back, as it stands it's 1:1 about to be 2:1 us and demos prove it.
man 4:0 for our We was TEMPORAILY BANNED gtfo kicker :| and next time dont gave password idiots :) u have problem :/
4:0 ? LOL we fullhold you b4 at flag.. pretty easy match, as said before kickers was not ours, and we didn't give out password to anyone else, temp banned = 5 minutes we still waiting in server been at least 10 minutes dumbass.
hahahahaha dobry masz angielski
pretty easy delivery:) 4:0 - w/e Kicked ego <3 i can do fragmovie from this match : ))
pretty low- fragmovie
:* go away low
u guys need to face the real iNtakE, thank talk trash...

that was ringer scrim, i had to go and so did nick
an dplease mark the right scores...

no cheap stuff
we can do revenge Good night bb
they got fullhold b4 at flag, enough said.. it's 1:1 and the reason they got kicked is cuz some random kids in spec joined their team and VOTEKICKED cuz the low kids didn't lock.. lol.
Hey, just finish the match, we had some trouble with stupid kids, but you guys should have locked your team AS SAID THOUSAND OF TIMES

Or since this was YOUR server, you guys should have banned those guys using RCON/REFEREE or simply switched the server password.

But, that incident of YOU guys getting kick has nothing to do with the match score, setting down a 4:0 is simply stupid and based on no fact. The match wasn't over, and you guys SIMPLY had to reconnect to finish it up, it was 1-1 and we didn't finish supply, reporting a victory isn't suited, we should definitly FINISH supply.
tbh you guys are just bad kids, afraid to just settle this down, Using the fact that you guys got votekicked by random ppl to claim a victory, that's pretty coward
Since when ETTV lie,? lol
ETTV lie? wtf are you trying to say kid, watch the demo then talk.
so : i think its 4:2 but for our, u win braundorf we delivery and u attack allies

when u defense ramsey and me was kicked oO

Definitly finish supply? loool We has 10min man!
impressive english
slaby translator
wlasnie nie zaden translator mowie takim angielskim jakim moge..

RONI : chociaz nie mam busta i nie napierdalam na haxach sory ppomylilem sie o literke had :(
so : i think its 4:2 but for our
no slaby translator mowie ci
a czy ja mam busta i napierdalam na haxach ? widze ze gamon nie rozruznia busta od bana
o kurwa XDDDDDDDDD we has !
laughing at his English? "rozruznia" :XD
szkoda, ze jedyne co potrafisz napisac po angielsku to "gl" jebany wiejski idioto
put the score to 2-2, since they took a map and the 3rd actually isn't really played. no forfeits, count the match which is played
intake now i think its fair..
sup with this noob match?
roni unbrainie pokaz co ty potrafisz;)
sory ale lepiej od ciebie w sciany strzelac nie umiem
gtfo with ur american english gtfooooo
2-2, whatever I'll take it at least it makes more sense than 4:0 .. should of finish the 3rd map so we can have a izi win 2:1 but gg.