colt 45 and two zig Zags vs nulli secundus (7125 views)

gb KaMzZ
hu Nonix
nl Ati_
gb razz
se NuggaN
se crajsor
be isenxl
ee frEeze
ee rAUL
se nordaN
se newbje
Winner takes Seed 4 in EC and loser takes Seed 5.
08.04.10 22:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Homer_ (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 50327
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de Team-Vizualize ETTV by. miiiq
By: FaKy (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 165


Homer_ has taken manager status for the game colt45 vs nulli. He will now handle its organisation.

Homer is gay.
nice tag, freeze raul :D:D
LULUL, nice tag ati :PPPPp
Colt 45 hf & Gl
Seed 4 or Poule 4
GL razz & Ati_ ! ;)
gl ,=-45 :P
iz c45
gl freeze and raul
gl razzi kamz ati
Again the same question:
Will NuggaN play?^^
Same. Was asking him yesterday ^^
easy4NuggaN ;)
great game guys!
Why doesn't it work against rockit?
rockit played well we didnt
yep :( bremen was epic fail xD
but .... maybe..... if u had move the truck u could have won
*sorry4my englisch skills* xD
Again the same question:
Will isEN play?^^
Again the same question:
Will rAUL have a nice tag?^^
I will, the question is, will u?!?
Again the same answer:
nice tag, Ati_ !
gl isenxl
gl colt45
close one imo - gl hypee
gl kamzm8 : )

freeze will roll : PP
gl colt45.. Ati_ =)
g flyiNuggaN
gl Nonix, Ati_, razz, NuggaN
gl nuggan
gl colt45 !!!
gl nonix my idol!
You have € 104 on gb colt45
Possible win: € 193.44

You have € 55 on eu nulli
Possible win: € 120.45
nulli stop bitching and play...

You have € 1150 on eu nulli
Possible win: € 2518.5
Nonix #1 panzer
gl nuggan
You have € 7350 on eu nulli
Possible win: € 16096.5

You have € 45 on gb colt45
You won € 82.8
You have € 102 on colt45
You won € 187.68

GG ,=-45
You have € 1150 on eu nulli
You lost
You have € 83 on eu nulli
You lost
nulli have bigger muscles.. what went wrong :<
lowest ec ever
Might watch this. Heard nuggan beasted.
nuggan :pPPpP
You have € 1000 on nulli
You lost

fucking lowskilled nulli-fucks.

even random KRP-mix could beat 45-noobies -,-
lol we don't play serious in scrims m8 :PP