AIMERz vs All About Fun (3948 views)

gb Kamz
si bukkake
ca rAmbo
pl sYnu
br sabian
gb Clarkee
us UnLeaShed
us Truth
ca dYNK
us click
us WhiteFlag
5on5 Fun Match
11.04.10 18:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Manager: dYNK (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 2499
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


>AAF< Jaymod Clan,
SingH is gunna fuck you guys up
<3 dYNK
You have € 1 on AIMERz
Possible win: € 1.92
lemo aka blU hahahahha Ada ON = skill med , Ada OFF =no skill, gl with hax !! :D
co ty odemnie chcesz :D? ja gram czysto lol'z
No w chuj hahahaha xD Lowku jebany, jak wyłączysz Ada wolfa pogadamy i spierdalaj do gimnazjum chwascie
: < wielu nie powtarzaj sie plz .. btw jak by co nie gram na ada wolfa : - ] nie nazywam sie pain 2
Jakto nie xD Mam demko jak podkreciles, podziekuj kolegom z druzyny xDDDDDDDDDD
MORE NONAMOW szkoda gadac jakis wielo oraz lEMONIADA account 2010 wszystko:) pozdro
"jakies wielo" Gralem juz w ET jak Ty jeszcze ciagnoles Cyca, oja , jak nie mialem konta na gtv wczesniej to juz jestem low ?!?!?!?! Bo nie napierdalalem wczesniej glupich komentarzy od Ciebie :O ?! Idz kurwa obgryzac kraty to mozesz wyjedziesz z tej piwnicy za 2 lata. Tyle ode mnie :)
icb prosze cie x D odezwal sie jeden z najwiekszych bustow :D
gl synek :*
gl to dynk
dynk = bad
im just saying good luck =[
should be a good match... AAF jaymod clan now

but use to be competitive lets see what happens.
If they still got it :P
oh god..
gL both
gl dynk!
dYNK will get carried..... np for AIMERz
that didn't even make sense :P

and yes i will get carried np
i no it don't make any sense
gl sYnku ;p
i stynk because i sweat after carrying ur fatass during scrims haha <3
gl sYnku ;DD
GL AimerZ
gl kamz & clarkee
gl sab u hax
yea AAF won, despite sYnu constantly walling me :P
who cancelled the match wtf

it did take place and we won despite the fact that i accidentyl bet on aimerz and lost... oh well

score was 4-0 AAF