insecure vs rsf (5311 views)

se tornis
se pesh
no lakai
Not Announced
12.12.06 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Benelux 3v3 Ladder
Manager: peshyboy (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

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insecure lineup:
se pesh
se tornis
no lakaii
easy bash for rsf !
ins lineup : freak187 , viol , silent
who are them?
i hope ins will get raped =>
gl and luv 2 all of u :**
rsf = ?
cool, irc chan is #rfs not "rsf" :)
gl ins <333333
Ah, Roofs Gaming
no lakaii
Bah GTV shouldn't allow requesting ETTV for these kind of matches, maybe they should ban all ladder matches besides the top-5 ones because it really starts to irritate me that people request ETTV for high skilled clans raping med skilled clans on ETTV.. It's not fun to watch and it's not fun for the clan getting raped either.
gamestv depends on gbookys :o)
usually (always) it's the "medskilled" clan which requests the ettv, not the "highskilled" one
KAN DU SLUTA SKRIVA 411 kommentarer varje gamestv-match...
rsf: lineup: butchji, hatred and pumu
stimmt das lineup? Oo

1337 score
klar was denkst du denn
is 't waar dat alle rsf'jes uit zwolle komen? :>
if their name is Roofs, make rsf to rfs.. but okay.. #care =)
rfs: modus (hax), rocky (more hax), randomgay ...

easy bash for roofs
1st of all Venom, Modus doesnt hack it's called skill and Rocky isn't even in RfS!

2.VLX we dont all come out of Zwolle! me myself come from Hengelo!

3.It's indeed RfS and not RsF!

4.We are not high skilled, you overrate us!

5.Line-up of RfS ; Unknown! C0rzten, Larsjuh, Modus, romAn, Mikey, Wtmrschn???? we really dont know yet!

Greets and hope you'll enjoy the match and hope we play at our best!
omg it was a joke nab
i bet on roofs cuz i dont think pesh can win a ettv game ;P
i bet on roofs to
to us
ok, score was 4:0 for insecure
confirm then apen
lol wtf..
cmon confirm...match is like 1 and a half hours that it started :|
gamestv admins are also human beings lol.
no, they are admins