squirtle vs angelDust - nkNn (4562 views)

pl Lukey
pl Lest
pl ght
pl Rodia
pl craken
be YuNo
be chizz6l
be iLLuMiSe
be crook
11.04.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Homer_ (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 9769
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 6


Gl both, but this should be an oc premier match:)
How sadly retarded are u lol. Jealous because you never played at EC quali :D gl both, especially squirtle squirtle :)
hes right though...
Show me clans that deserved it more then :D
iR are way better then squirtel crapheaded noob polish crap team
They are in EC
well we didnt ask for an ec quali or even thought about it... as we are a new formed team which is not praccin too much, we fail coz of that, but on the other hand you can expect everything from us ;] we will surely deliver in future:D
True, iR are good. But who the fuck are you?
we owned iR without any problems, so whats your point?:]
Don't recall ever owning them :p.
U failed, they're playing qualis like those.
ik ben nogal goed....
who are you anyway?
awesome vergelijking, dit is toch een heel ander systeem kneus
ja en tA en underscore ware topteams toch? :)
need med+ max, maar ik zeg toch ook niet dat jullie het niet verdienen ;), maar vind beetje raar dat je alleen s6 erbij haalt en niet tA cortana en underscore waarvan underscore veruit de slechste was!
s6 verdiende het ook niet, zei ik ook van het eerste moment
alleen jullie verdienen het zeker?
waar vermeld ik dat?
waarom ben je dan zo aan het whine dan :)?
there have been worse players in EC
thats how we roll :D
izi for aD
gl nknn, derop of deronder
o jej:< skoro Ty nie wierzysz w nas, to nie widze sensu w dalsze istnienie naszego teamu.

lesti i lukey postanowili sie pociac

Widzisz co narobiles?
gl lukey lesti and aD :)
beters wals je er even overheen
gl crook and aD!

You have € 250 on eu aD Cancel bet
Possible win: € 425
we prac hard :)
gl szef
gl squirtle
lolololol nknn in EC


et is dead :ppPPpPPP
gl squirtle !
easy for nknn
good server :P stable ping :P nice configs :P why leave? :)
what's the score?

hope turtles got it!
go go go go lukey lesti ght craken rodia

3-0 nknn

squirtly need to beat 7:21 time on supply
wtf r u talking about?
3-0 => squrtle has no chance?
4-0 nknn
omg, szkoda ...
mhm well we are unable to play offis same as pcw's:DDDDDDDDDDdd TOO MUCH PRESSURE... or i dunno ;[
nkNn at EC :))))

no zesz kurwa...
zal =[
korwa nic nie mow nawet:XDDDDDDDDdd dostawac wpierdol od takiego czegos...
yes squirtle very good clan very skilled yes yes polish power
no lesti jeszcze mniej grajcie :Dd
brawo Polacy!