stronger than hate vs Incomplete (8196 views)

12.12.06 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: frozz (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Viewer Peak: 320


1st nah
2nd ^^
sth lineup?
i hope inc will take this home!
gL iNc :>
sth's lu?
inc will not take this 4sho! sth 102%...
unj not really inc > sth 4sho, 112% they will take it easy watched FF vs inc?
inc wouldnt have a chance if 4 of the sth lineup would be idle :P
will depend on sth's line up... (but gL Inc!)
ye thats the problem sth wnb ins team imo, its just lame why cant they just be in 1 fucking clan?
rofl, ins ARE the wnb of sth, sth is active in more then a year...
maybe don't comment anything if u don't know shit about some things... check on CB when has sth been established,and then check ins/pzz.
sth lineup?
2x mystic 2x night 2x ferus : o /
who cares, we got LEPARI :O)
i think it does depend on the sth lineup but i still hope Inc will take it!! :D GL&HF!!
sth is a lame clan anyway.. inc
my money on sth :D Go!
so sth, are we going to hear the lineup BEFORE 19.00 o'clcok or do we have to wait till the match starts?
gl spirea and lepari
stronger than hate 5.00 vs 1.25 Incomplete Total pot: 24588 €
Your bet: 112€ on sth Possible Win: 560 € (+448 €)
gl inc
Your bet: 57€ on sth
Possible Win: 285 € (+228 €)
go sth go!
lineups ?!
Is sth playing the ladder doesnt show them anymore?
dunno i just hope they play with: butchj, keran, gifty, eddie, adzz, frozz.
Like last time then it will be interesting afaik
cr acozz
cr frozzen
cr calisto
cr zlinko
[fag=de] keran
lol war das absicht ? "[fag=.."
wenn nein: de keran
no [fag=de] pumu in lineup? :-(
sth line-up? before 18.59
ik denk dat ze met die line spelen die ik boven neer zette mja anders maar niet wedden #care
Your bet: 90€ on Inc
Possible Win: 117 € (+27 €)

easy :P
hoenstly no lineups :(
Your bet: 4894€ on Inc
Possible Win: 6411 € (+1517 €)
sth, you have to win!!!!!!!!
18.59 no lineup gg
lol yeh so tru
i knew it i saw i big shift in the ods changed bigtime lol im gonna get $$
yeh but its a joke they should have lineups for evry match now lots of people r going to lose money because of no lineup!
no lineups -> no bet
it's easy
tru bet then u wud basicly never bet!
score atm?
yep whats the score ?
no decider
there is decider xD but prob unofficial
Veeeeeeeeeeeery close ! 4:2 for sth
lol idd close but nice game
thanks inc <3
ROFLOL i won !!!!
owned by false lineups:(
Your bet: 50 on sth Possible Win: 159 (+109 )
yay but it's a shame ins deserved to win reactor :x
Yes they deserved to win....
Your bet: 2000€ on sth Possible Win: 6360 € (+4360 €)
inc won 4-2 :|
Your bet: 4894€ on sth Possible Win: 15563 € (+10669 €) =)
so what ? official result will be 2:2 xDDDDDDDD
no shit, rly ?! :00

/easy money ;)
thank god :D
at CB official it's forced to play decider if needed
well that sucks since they didnt anounce there line-up sth lamers tbh
and dont give me that crap (frozzen) that u didnt knew line-up
06/12 21:00 141 5.00 vs 1.25 cdap 10€ on 141 Won 50 €
05/12 21:00 [<<] 2.78 vs 1.56 sFx 15€ on sFx Won 23 €
04/12 23:00 NETR 2.15 vs 1.87 aMenti 13€ on aMenti Won 24 €
08/12 21:00 LAT 4.20 vs 1.31 SUI 39€ on LAT Won 164
12/12 19:00 sth 3.18 vs 1.46 Inc 102€ on sth Won 324 €

Your bet: 10€ on sth Possible Win: 32 € (+22 €)

wp sth
inc deserved it:<
lost 200€ :E
me3 :-{
i was ranked nr2 last week, now im 1070
thx sth :D
who played for sth?
Night, hatred, gifty, keran, lagger, killer
7€ on sth Won 22 €
fu sth :<
Your bet: 5€ on sth Won 16€
need lineups all the time especially for sth since its got like 52 players :)
won 265 ;\