Enemy Territory UA vs Team-Lugers (3938 views)

si Sammy
ua Forward
ru Elik
si Heker
de cr0w
il Guyjew
il pArsi
il Tabolrsa
il scuttlebutt
il wAzZ
17.04.10 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: w0nd3r (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 2519
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 6



combo breaker

combo starter : ) ?

no i co probujesz sie wyrozniac ulomie
tak, i co z tego :)
Latest Comments
• pisze sie says who jebany pierdolcu, w gimnazjum angielskiego wf-ista cie uczyl?
• Replay? ty jestes kurwa urodzonym idiota jednak
• chodz? czy ty kurwa z kongo jestes, ze po polsku nie umiesz pisac?
• no i co probujesz sie wyrozniac ulomie

niezle tillerman ;D widze, ze wyzywanie to twoje ulubione zajecie :))
moze lubi :e
w realu sie wstydzi to na gtv sobie uzywa..
no jak mi sie nudzi i nie mam nic do roboty to tez tu sobie whinuje h3h3h3h3
mnie tez sie nudzi whine whine whine
omg legendary forwardua <3
Gl Slovenes
Zlatko Zahovic?
hh zlatko is an old legend in football :D

thanks for gl : )
lugers low uashua :d forward ftw
uaKillmaster, the [ET]star back in Action, [ET] Returns? )
You can simply say, you're back with [ET] ((((((((:
Some days ago we win vs Lugers 4-2 :)
frostbite in 1:26 deli in 2:47 lugers noquater skill!
own these jewtards.
gl forward
gl forward
easy 4 [ET]
omg. easy 4 [ET]
we will lose because heker is playing :D omg why we dont play frost bite i likeddd ********
nerds playing on saturday XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
nerds write on saturday on GamesTV.org XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
im at club and on phone , retard
biggest nerds write in club and on phone on GamesTV.org XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
big fail nerd #1.
stfu nerd , go shave your head and fuck your fist
oooooh fucking nerd in a dark corner in a club play the online hero XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
19:21 in a club xddddddddddddddddddd
gg wp

hehe :)
easy 4 [ET]
how did they do it? forfreit?
yes and no