quaco vs [*EU*]United Soldiers of Europe (5413 views)

se Tites
si Aniq3
fr evl
de Kevji
de eujen
pl qLL
be Frauwe
pl Cisy
be Rhand
be P5Y
28.04.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Aniq3 (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10452
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


Why ETTV for lowbobs!?
Cause I can watch then :p
Nothing to see, move along people!
you can spec on server :p
way too easy for kevjiderko . gl eujen and kevji
gl quaco
eujen <3
gl quaco!!

izi for Ti+es!!!
gl fitsie & frauwe !! :)
gl evl and fif.red :)
izi quaco
gl Cisy
gl aniq =)
gl cisy noobie :D ! ;*
no nie 4 hp ... gl cisy !
gl anik
I see rape incoming :-))
aniq3 will rape some noobs <3
:D fail again !!
we should play more serious XD
gg wp :D
dziekuje dobranoc : ))))
epic fail >.<
You have € 771 on eu [*EU*]
Possible win: € 2629.11

i always bet on my team.
100% won.
First time in ages I don't bet on us and we actually win, nice one.

Stats: http://tinyurl.com/38vpw4p
Soccer, not football
someone needs attention
again bullshit putting a hacker at the last second in the lineup, fuck sake.
he's playing 2 weeks with us now, we can't help it they put rong lu :x
pretty sure he cheats tbh
we'll see because he's coming to AEF :(

eujen is saying how obvious he was in this match, eujen never lies!
did eujen also said that kevji was whing?
no but i tell him that :D
we'll lets see if he come to lan or not, and how he plays on it :x, you (cb) made that non pb rule, so you shouldn't be so surprised if ppl starts to wh (not saying that qll is). you just gave ppl a free change to wh or cheat with it, nexus cheats are still free and can be used in competion now :(
why is qll ips from NL+IP+UK+US+PL btw
ask my net provider which is providing me NL Ip`s somehow.
I used to use proxy in school.
My real IP is: 178.36.xx.xx
that is a question you should ask him not me :( , but know one thing i'm the biggest cheater hater there is. and if it apears he's cheating i'll be faster out than he was in.
what was wrong with me? :<
bad joke m8 i was sucking like hell >.<
eujen told me that u are gay, he never lies
you just wanna have killerboy in your bed thats all so su! :D
sad sad killerboy

179 € on eu quaco Lost
killerboy gay
sup what
qLL is inesLkk (nC customer) :(
Doesn't necessairly mean he cheated in this game.
rhand> all
Fuck you quaco, lost all my moneys.
You have € 50 on [*EU*]
You won € 170.5
You have € 250 on eu quaco
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.

Killerboy just keeps abusing his powers, for his friends. Wooptiedoo.
youhou, I'm negative on gamestv :D