team overplay vs Zero Empathy strength and honor (4250 views)

pl Dyru
pl dzordzo
pl Bl4nko
pl Mxm
pl SyNthol
pl boObje
be Pimpie
be strango
be Cluster
be Stino
be eron
be Twiki
be Bteun
be t0mm
Fourth week - #easy.cup

21.04.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup IV 5v5
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: Masterseries (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7769
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


gl pimp/twikii
How a reatard like critik still can play ??? °_O

GG easy company admins...
va voir sur wolfarea si j'y suis.

Si tu veux flam va sur wolfarea, ne vient pas ici raconter ta vie.
GL ERON ! (:
gl boys
go sah go!!!!!!!!
gl dzordzo mxm:)
gl george i ekipa
add szczurek
gl oY :)
Looking forward to boobje's ettv performance
bust him:)
I really won't spend my time to busting ppl. I still get a life but hf with his hacks
gl Dyru :-)
boobje vs critik je check l'ETTV !!!

1o1 fifa ce soir, demain critik?
t'es vraiment une gueule overdoose
ForzZ, t'es trop nul sur fifa. bibuy
GL S&H .)
twiki wnb twidi
gL Both !! :D
GL Twiki
GL Dyru ;)
gl belgium :)
lololololol bl4nko :o
Gl 0E & eronneke !
obv fucks