#jari.et vs Impuls-Gaming e.V. ET (3970 views)

fi toMi
fi homo-topsu
fi akii
fi blindi
fi ensam
pl zyga
pl snider
pl phase
pl backup1
pl backup2
Second matchweek - #easy.cup


20.04.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup IV 5v5
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: Masterseries (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 12235
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


maybe this time polaknerdz wont egoquit :DDDD
Haha, phase not egoquitting when he's losing? WANT TO BELIEVE!
if you want my CFG, you can send me priv msg here or at CF. Regards, phase.
plz no useless comment for both - tomi agree with me.
this comment is useless.
btw u see its a german flag so dont call krauts polax nerd :P
I wonder when phase will finally win something on ettv
I dont think its gonna be this one :PPPPPPPPPPP
Phase i bet on you! Make a good shot plz. Good luck.
Can someone tell me why Impuls-Gaming got a german flag?
There are only polish players in the whole team...

Gl jari
cuz of german gaming?

np :)
dignitas' ET squad has a UK flag, even though none of the players are from the UK (it's the same with TLR and many other teams). A teams' flag doesn't need to reflect its players.
gl jari
gl tomi
gl blindi
gl jari,gl Pipens :D
topsu lover :*
without ensam low/+
too izi :<
without ensam low/+
wtf akii & blindi from jaymod?
lucky not from poland :(