Sleeperz vs Fear Factory X-Fi (9479 views)

rs Lazio
gb griim
no Eirik
hr suVi
pl Wrobel
pl wiesiek
pl numeric
pl zMk
pl Templar
Winnerbracket Final
18.04.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series VI Qualifiers
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Lazio (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 47780
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
xx #CubeCast Cast server 4
Listen to SPANKIe_
Language: Polish

Total Slots: 200
Listener Peak: 21

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 246


izi Berza!!!
gl Berza, izi game
gl berza! ;)
no toNi, no win

Agata Wrobel ?
i hate how you play sleeperz but u'll get it :)
omg izi berza..
GL Wiesiek
gl Eirik :)
BERZA pokara, gl ! :)
gl wiesiu & wrobel!
should i bet on the polaks or not? I hate polaks
pocaluj mnie w pompe leszczu, jezeli masz odwage internetowy pajacyku :-)
gamgam, english
kiss my balls nerd
: D wrobel pojechal :D
ales sie popisal turbozjebie
Should be a pretty easy match for FF after our last performance's. Hope we can put up a fight =)
no toNi, no win!
We haven't played anything since our last offi. It's gonna be a close game ;)
GL wiesiu numeric :(
gogo dudes & dave!
GL sleeperz
GL berza!
pozdro zMk
gl sleeperz
Zatanczymy z nimi troche na goldzie :-)
tak jak z Niemcami?
Niemiecka edycja you can dance i tanczacych gwiazd stala od wielu lat na duzo wiekszym poziomie niz nasza dlatego nie bylo latwo.
gwiazdy tancza na goldzie :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
powodzenia chlopaki :)
gl euruz!
zmiencie betsy, wiesiek dzisiaj nie gra.
a Wy przepraszam jestescie druzyna czy indywidualnosciami ?? :)
zmiennik da sobie rade :)
to kto gra za wieska ?
gl zMk
gl zMky
GL F'Factory' :D
low+ loazis wishes zZz good luck.
Eirik! Shoutout!
zzz bremen nooobs :DDDDDD
"CM_InlineModel: bad number" - tbh didnt really want to see the match
As the server switched to Bremen_b3 i guess, the server gave this error when loading the map. Does the hub have Bremen_b3 on it?
wow spankie jestem backem :XD
You have € 100 on dk zZz
You won € 339
Spoko chlopaki, bedzie dobrze :D
4:2 Sleeperz gg.
You have € 151 on pl FF X-Fi
Wrobel more whining xd
You have € 250 on dk zZz
You won € 847.5
znajac wrobla, pewnie sie wkurwil i w rewanzu bedzie dojazd w stylu PIERWSZE PIERDOLNIECIE i 4:0 :) trzymam kciuki krejzole!
lazio : Wrobel nerd :x :( sad dude :D take it easy :D more fun :) gg, gl guys ! suvi :*************
ye incredible :) fun :) waiting 10 mins :) for tax :x every map :) but :) u pause :) u cool guy :XD :********
every map? didn`t have for bremen :) didn`t have map for it? :-) ufol connection sux so 5 mins downloading time :o) chiil out, serious biznes :)
radar tax ;:D u forgetting ? :X) we chill np u just nerd ;))
yep but you care :DDDDD cya dude :)
jak masz tak pisac to lepiej nie pisz w ogole amerykanie
You have € 39 on zZz
You won € 132.21

griim <3
gg's lamerz
You have € 10000 on pl FF X-Fi
You lost

NIE KURWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!! NIE WIERZEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pawel I am dissapoint :{
<3 :D care
You have € 50 on dk zZz
You won € 169.5
trzeba bylo powiedziec ze robicie ustawke to bym nie przejebal 10k , nie wierze
wrobel mowil przecez przed meczem zeby betsy zmieniac bo wiesiek nie gra :P
You have € 250 on zZz
You won € 847.5
liek taht
You have € 20 on dk zZz
You won € 67.8
Mine! Give it back!
You have € 20 on dk zZz
You won € 67.8
alexL already busted kb ?
why teente isnt :|
what happened to his other old bans?
his old account got deleted :(
and there's no way to still ban him for 10 years? pretty fucked up to be honest considering he blatantly cheated in a NC match?

ps. cheaters allowed this OC?