ideal-ib vs godmode (5049 views)

different lineup and ego quit
17.04.10 14:45 CEST
Status: | Cancelled | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
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Rating: |
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League: | Liga4Fun | |
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Maps: | Supply | |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12
Viewer Peak: 12

we lose sorry to say
come on guys we can win this maybe EFFECT PWNING TIME(aka mERZ)
i hope for good match, and you guys have a chance i think :)
but i hope we in afcoure :P
but i hope we in afcoure :P
i cant wait :D gl to godmode
jesus christ bellucii u play against your own clan mates??
no jaymod no fun :D and bart you weird.
based on?
You have 50 on ideal-ib
Possible win: 94
Possible win: 94
your actions
its no that much and BTW ib!RULESSSSSSSS
its no that much and BTW ib!RULESSSSSSSS
the betting odds :D
we cant play because we dont have connections for server so too bad! sorry guys.
ARE YOU SERIOUS! cant we get another server
maybe i dont know.
i love your name tazz. :D
Tropic, what's with my name? :p
GL & HF ib
GL & HF ib
xDD gl ib :PPP! my friends x D
is that you squake? haha im on ettv.
dont worry we will play!!!!
becuz we have new server:
becuz we have new server:
oke oke. THE TEAM WHO WILL WIN THIS GAME WILL PLAY WITH CUBE.IB :D and godmode irc is ??:O
say what dennis? :P
What denis?
nice fake
gigi8 :d

he is be but he is in spain now!
and i cant bet on this match its to epic =3
xDD use replay :x and ||| GL&HF newbcake <3
gl TazZ, hf guys :D
i am so tempted to remove such shit and ban everyone playing with hypno
1) you never learn
2) overcoverage for some retards using cheats shouldn't exist
1) you never learn
2) overcoverage for some retards using cheats shouldn't exist
You realy should change your mentality about cheater, you said in first 'xAeee' is a moron cheater and now you play with him so stfu :> thx
you really should change your brain if you think you can compare hypnos (banned 15 times atleast) with xAe (never banned)
Oh!! finally you don't ban him @ clanbase :)) ahahha pathetic man :),
ahahhaha you have 47 chromosomes
12 years old kid
12 years old kid
You seemed less arrogant @ CiC7 :>
ye cos big mouths like you stay online
Fail, I were here with dESIRE :)) nuub
noo man in not from spain,im just on holiday
killer boy u sure u are talking about the right hypno?cause this guy is low player i think u confuse him
killerboy i know u friend with potty but this guy hypno he is from lituania he plays in my clan and i m sure u mistaken this guy with some1 else wiwth same name maybe.u can be sure about this i know u are big shot here on ettv but pls next time u accuse some1 be sure u are talking about the right person.thanks!
killerboy won ! o:
hypno cheattaaah ftw :P
Hypnos and hypno it's different guys.
yes maybe killerboy should check better who is he talking about before making such serios accusations.i mean come one killerboy u can t afford to mess it up so bad dude....
i would like to say that god mode site is not the one they posted that one is ib site not god mode site.ifly u really risk to be banned from here too man....if u continue with this idiot behaviour
you just told killerboy to check better befor making such accusations.. and what you do now? gigi made this not me not us
ill be there :XD :XD :XD
can some one from ettv pls modify the god mode profile they posted our site as their site which is not true cause that is not their site.killerboy i would apreciate if u delete that pls
and check who posted it :) cuz they are blaming me ffs
killerboy that hypno is from another country as i see there.this hypno is from lituania man.anyway u can check his et guid and see that is not the same guy
come to the server when he will play and check him.u will see is not same guy.i mean look at the countries for god sake 24-06-2009 13:41 Lithuania
... 24-06-2009 13:41 Lithuania
dont u see your guy is from some islands and my guys is from lituania europe??that so hard to check man??
for god sake man i have to buy u a map:ok check here the 2 countries
this is your guy:
ok this is seycheles island or wtf?
and this is my guy country:
u see 2 fuckin different countries!
this is your guy:
ok this is seycheles island or wtf?
and this is my guy country:
u see 2 fuckin different countries!
you can choose any flag you want on clanbase:
ok i dont understand anymore.that guy country is seycheles island but his ip is from lituania?wtf
My IP address is:
My IP Address Location: Vilnius in ip address flag Lithuania
ISP of my IP: SC Lithuanian Radio and TV Center
My IP Address Location: Vilnius in ip address flag Lithuania
ISP of my IP: SC Lithuanian Radio and TV Center
well there is only one option as i see be sure that is the same guy:to check that guy et guide and ip with this guy ip and et guide.i can t find another solution to know who is lieng here
tell him to make a ClanBase and Crossfire account so people will know the difference
ISP: Kaunas University of Technology
Organization: Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture
Proxy: None detected
Type: Unknown
Assignment: Static IP
Geo-Location Information
Country: Lithuania
State/Region: Kauno Apskritis
City: Kaunas
Latitude: 54.9
Longitude: 23.9
Area Code:
this is your hypno
our is
ISP: SC Lithuanian Radio and TV Center
Organization: Point to point client networks
Proxy: None detected
Type: Dial-up
Assignment: Dynamic IP
Geo-Location Information
Country: Lithuania
State/Region: Vilniaus Apskritis
City: Vilnius
Latitude: 54.6833
Longitude: 25.3167
ISP: Kaunas University of Technology
Organization: Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture
Proxy: None detected
Type: Unknown
Assignment: Static IP
Geo-Location Information
Country: Lithuania
State/Region: Kauno Apskritis
City: Kaunas
Latitude: 54.9
Longitude: 23.9
Area Code:
this is your hypno
our is
ISP: SC Lithuanian Radio and TV Center
Organization: Point to point client networks
Proxy: None detected
Type: Dial-up
Assignment: Dynamic IP
Geo-Location Information
Country: Lithuania
State/Region: Vilniaus Apskritis
City: Vilnius
Latitude: 54.6833
Longitude: 25.3167
hmm... so much drama over a lowbob match :P
ok i told him.thanks
and can u pls go on god more team profile and u see there on their site is s a fuckin lie that s my team site ib cube team which manager is potty.i would apreciate pls if u tell me who made that profile for god mod team so i can have a chat with the bustard and also if u can delete our site from their profile.thanks
this i hilarious :XD
deserves a crossfire journal :D:D
deserves a crossfire journal :D:D
is not about drama bart is about the fact that i dont like cheaters same as killerboy don t like it and dont matter if this is a low match or not.a cheater is a cheater.but my hypno is not so of course i want justice for all
funny weed xD
shall i make one :P?
shall i make one :P?
yes please :D:D:D:D:D:D
im still banned thx to killerboy ;D
btw sick reply skillZ
im still banned thx to killerboy ;D
btw sick reply skillZ
about hypno check here guys
on main page u see a frag movie from if u tell me that the guy in the video is a cheater i go naked on the streets singing some mexican song
the guy in the video is my hypno btw
on main page u see a frag movie from if u tell me that the guy in the video is a cheater i go naked on the streets singing some mexican song
the guy in the video is my hypno btw
hes a cheater, now go naked on the streets and sing it xDDD dont forget to tape it i wanan see it over and over again xDDD
Please unfo, Dont kill the whole world by going naked :S Plz, dont.
we are pro at reply :)
hmm unfo, dont traumatise your entire county by doing this
Killerbot rlz :D!
Who is the favorite ?
how does it feel to have 47 chromosomes
kilerboy you gay?
funniest match ever :XXXXXXXXX
what a lows xD
what a lows xD
..oh wait mERZ

..oh wait mERZ
.....did not wanted to read insults but to have fun but i see some ppl are really having fun on being jurks
canceled retards?
match was played and 4-0 for godmode, so add score and give me my money
wp low!
match was played and 4-0 for godmode, so add score and give me my money
wp low!
could you sfff plz its all crap thats coming out of you
4-0 4 godmode
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed. loled?
this match was a fail
low vs low
w0nd3r won
w0nd3r won
thats why everybody loves u ;D
Give my money aaaaa!111one1!!!!
yes low vs low like everybody was once all good players was low in case u dont knew that killerboy.and thanks to your comments we lost a member during game cause of what u said stupid ifly insulted us on server.good job killerboy
and i see u stil did not do a good thing and erase our site from god mode team.i guess anybody can write any shit and do any shit here nobody will do shit.good job !
the match should be canceled hypno left during match for being insulted he is a time u accuse be sure what u speak.yes cancel the fuckin match!
i was being sarcastic... you realy are having 47 chromsomes dont you fucking prick... killerboy i dunno you but i <3 you xD
Noobs :D
iflypagh the distance between u and me is what it saves u from me to stick your stupid head in your ass.
and killerboy..i respect u as u are a big...something here on ettv but u really need to go for a walk dude!u accused and insult the wrong guy!
and killerboy..i respect u as u are a big...something here on ettv but u really need to go for a walk dude!u accused and insult the wrong guy!
as if u dont know that my hypno never played in any et clan base and beside of that i can show u 10 guys with this name or smiliar ...seriously dude u and iflypagh makes the perfect combination!good luck from now on i hope u will fuck up even more matches with your prooveless accuse.
ifly if u wanna smt about being sarcastic here is my number 1 sarcasm for u:GO FUCK YOURSELF !
ifly if u wanna smt about being sarcastic here is my number 1 sarcasm for u:GO FUCK YOURSELF !
unfo.. its becaus of the distance you have this big mouth... please grow up man..
anyway iflypagh the match is canceled so u lost exactly this : .|.
take that and stick it u know where!
take that and stick it u know where!
i wont waste any more second on u.u dont exist.u r just a pathetic joke.
hmmm.. what does: go fuck yourself! got to with sarcasme.. i think you dont realy understand the meaning of this word... tard. and stfu about killerboy, i love him even tho i dunno him xD
and about the match.. we all know who won
me love unforgiven, si senor. gipsy cunt.
just stfu all of you
go kiss killerboy ass ifly cause that s the a thing u are good.we all know nobody can compete with u on that and yes i admit:u won .u are the number 1 ass licker!give him a medal pls
and if i m a gypsy cunt than u are white boy whos is about to suck that gypsy cunt dick:cause guess what there are bout 1 bilion and a half gypsies all over the world but how many retarded dutch?just one
so i guess u should go back to your rat hole and stay there thinkin what garbage u will eat next
so i guess u should go back to your rat hole and stay there thinkin what garbage u will eat next
the world population isnt even close to 1 bilion, but i am sure in your imaginary dreamland its possible.. dream on sucker
This unforgiven guy is priceless, how can someone be THIS retarded?
yeah and the funny part is, he thinks he is "mister know it all"
so how much population is on india?1 milion?one hundred?last time i cheked the world population was 6 bilions and india had almost one bilion.correct me if i m wrong.void i can t be more gratefoul than i m know and so happy i see ifly is not the only jackass living now thanks for u there 2 jackass..welcome.
i mistaked in my language sorry :P, cuz 1 bilion in my language (biljoen) = 1000000000000, so that why:), but still, dude there arent living 1.5 bilion gypo's on this planet
Only 3 i think: Unfo, Fuse and Achmed
idiotcountry population 2!
and you are now reffering to you and unfo?
i meant you and void look you proofed yourself to be an idiot welcome void for me please!
jup 0:4 confirmed
it wasnt even 4:0 becuz games is cancceled thanks too your insultings too hypno
well, we take that as a forfeit then:), so forfeit or or 0:4 what's it gonna be?
and for the record, being sarcastic about killerboy accusing of cheating isnt realy insulting.. and if he took it as an insult, he should grow a pair of balls, and say something back..
and you guys had a merc (belluci) so its ib 0 godmode 4
talk to the hand
U think ur Arnold Shwarchewhatever?
if you wash that dirty hand of yours, cuz its being in your ass and ballsack the whole day
hi killerboy!
i wash my hands than spit on them than give it to u to lick my hands my feet and my ass dick face
I can only adore Unforgiven's tardness. I dont think this sentance makes any sense?!?!?!?!?!
omg now you starting to sound like sexual harrasment! gtfo you perver!!!! or its time to call sexual harasment pandaa!!
and i am only 12 years olde :<, you realy are a sick person unforgiven

I <3 unforgiven and I know u love me back :D
stfu ifly nerd