OVERLOAd vs to Make odds even (12380 views)

be vila
be zeto
be mAus
be lio
be chry
pl edain`
pl naga`
pl Krein`
pl Frag`Stealer
pl dialer`

EC XXI Schedule: http://clanbase.ggl.com/league_schedule.php?lid=10449
EX XXI Rankings: http://clanbase.ggl.com/rating.php?lid=10449

This EuroCup Match will be Radio Shoutcasted by gb owzo and at galiathus.
21.04.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Killerboy (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 98125
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
xx #CubeCast Cast server 6
By: owzo
Listen to owzo
Language: English
xx #CubeCast Cast server 8
By: galiathus
Listen to galiathus
Language: German

Total Slots: 400
Listener Peak: 69

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 380


1st gl ovr :D
2nd gl mAus
3rd yes! fuk i win ..
gl both <3
It's gonna be played in 3 days Sherlock....
it was supposed to be a joke, sir!
wiaderko playing for 2 teams ???
Bardzo dobry mecz sie szykuje !
mAus! :*
Hope for a good game, shoutcasting this one :)
izi for tmoe
Gl & HF Polacy : )
gl vila <3
gl ovr
I hope ovrld wins because of edain's comment. :)
I hope ovrld wins because of edain's comment. :)
I hope ovrld wins because of edain's comment. :)

And I have money on ovr lol.
gl ovr, dialer, and naga :D
gl mAus :\
ma być moc gl tMoe
Szybko dojazd , powodzenia ! :D
hf chry
gl ovr :)
gl overload
W ogole to czemu Numeric a nie wlasnie Naga pojechal z wami na lana do Holandii?
Moze nie mogl?
nie chcialo mu sie leciec do holandii z anglii
gl overload
gl tmoe - hope we didn't spoil your skill :D
gl edain! sure tibo will be speccing you sure
You have € 44407 on pl tMoe Cancel bet
Possible win: € 53288.4
haha smial bym sie jak bys przegral xd
et Today 21:30 OVERLOAd be 3.97 vs. 1.34 pl to Make odds even 44,407 € on pl tMoe Lost
cant wait for the score :DD
pl n00n1337's Gambling Stats ( Rank 3,054 / 3,054 )

somehow i knew they will lose :D but i just put it for fun, not like im beting here on gamestv :d look when my last bet was ;d
r u srs ? :O
gl tMoe
GL FragStealer,Krein,Edain :D
galiathus, prinzipiell nice, dass du auch casten anfängst aber um dir ein bisschen feedback zu geben:
gewöhn dir "ähh" und "öhh" ab und konzentrier dich aufs spiel...

die leute die nen sc hören wollen, wollen wirklich unterhaltung geboten bekommen und net dass ihnen jemand die popups vorliest mit 100 "ähh" dazwischen :P
und das 1000 mal "jetzt" auch bitte.. aber sonst nice cast..weiter so :)
niemand ist perfekt :D
mach weiter so, guck das match nur wegen dir ^^
As long as mAus warms up before the match: 4-2 ovr!
omg mAus vs Frag`Stealer
boo mAus go me
nie wiem czy tmoe dadza rade :D
gb owzo <3 !!
Change that Cubecast server flag to UK and the name to owzo please, so ppl get to know that its an English cast. You'd easily reach up to 100 listeners then.
Listen to jongeowzo
Language: English
still it sucks, noboody cares where the radio server is from.
its fucking awesome
2-0 ovr
2-0 ovr, 5:42 on grush ;o)
frag'stealer > mAus !
tmoe < ovr : (
2:18 on adler from ovr. 4-0 imo :)
You have € 1000 on be ovr
Possible win: € 3970
rolled hard
ja pierdole :x
latwa kasa ;] You have € 250 on be ovr
You won € 992.5
You have € 50 on ovr
You won € 198.5
Thanks vilanator


i tak jestem z wami mimo tych smiechowych obrazkow!!!!
owzo should shoutcast more :D...

oh, nice rape from ovr
ggs all nice game to cast again :) lucky me!
mAus rolled
adler 2.18 gg over :D
hell of a game + cast yet again :)
well casted owzo, impressive :)
epic shit :O nicely done overload
holy shit
owzo, keep on shoutcasting you got a talent:D

overload played fucking epic, i think the win ec if they keep playing like this
You have € 97 on ovr
You won € 385.09
wp ovr and owzo was awesoeme as well !
wowa, hard group xD
You have € 300 on pl tMoe
You lost

a na co liczyles ty jebancu
you've gotta be shitting me
I didnt expect this AT ALL
overload from zero to hero
No numeric no motherfucking win.
see you @ lan
gg wp & thx for izi money:DD

You have € 2192 on be ovr
You won € 8702.24
You have € 20 on be ovr
You won € 79.4

o kurwa :0(
great job owzo :)
im sure ovr hacked... it woul;dnt be first time f00cking beltards
i am sure tmoe hacked... it wouldn't be the first time f00king poltards
third place on CIC 7 - Yee fucking cheaters
you never know when poles play et...
proofs... 2 from 5 ovr players were banned for cheats... noone from tmoe was...
lucky for naga he didnt get banned back when he used to cheat
Naga played on CC good. He was recognised one of the best players of the lan. Were Zeto, Lio, Villa though once on lan? Did they play good? No? Ok
Vila is shit online and offline, Lio played well on lan and zeto was cheating, no doubt.
they could have played well on lan... and yet dumb fuckers admited they cheated... end of topic
only frag'stealer is good ;<
oh pls, and naga isnt? :X
who are you again?