Adversus vs teamredux (4716 views)

au iceman34
au riCo
au noname-
au ikez0r
au DerSaidin
au BennyB(Syd)
au Darius
au Eagle
au Legendary
au Nateus
au reb
au Requiem
au turismo
au Witface
Last Semifinal round for the GameArena competition in Australia.

Adversus are currently ranked 1st (and last seasons champions)

Adversus are currently ranked 3rd.

This is a knockout round to reserve a spot in the Grand Final.
12.12.06 11:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: GameArena
Manager: Syd (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
au GameArena ETTV
By: Syd (ettvd)
de Syd's ETTV
By: Syd (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 99


from far far away :D
lol ^^ gl anyway. On who I shall place a bet?? :D
lol ?
If I wouldn't be in school then it would be a fun game to shoutcast :D
Dont know both
living in australia sux P:
Maps: braundorf_b4, braundorf_b4, braundorf_b4 n1 !!!
fanboys of braundorf ?
No more maps available in Australia?!
Its how we play.
Grand final will probably be something like:
sw_goldrush_te, sw_goldrush_te, supply, supply, supply, beach, beach, beach
Its best of three for each map, then best of three maps. So we might stop at supply.
so HOW long does a game last? I mean a 2 map game might last an hour or so in europe? =/ I mean this game starts an hour before I get outta school :P I gotta come watch the end of it! :D
Normal season games go for an hour, maybe an hour and a half. It just depends who wins which rounds. It could be 3-0 on a quick map like frostbite and over in under an hour, or it could be 2-3 on a longer map like supply and go for two hours. Grand finals usualy go three maps, and last season's took about 4 hours :/
Would be fun if it was the same in europe.
xD @ eQ
there's a reply button fanboi =]
was these adversus guys @ qcon last year?
teamredux !!!
g0 riCo!
easy for team-redux!
vs vs Redux :O
eAZy bASh fOr aDVERSUs
great mapper is playing : o )
rico pwner
Your bet: 100€ on reduX Possible Win: 500 € (+400 €)
synt3r: 5E on reduX Lost

GG :)
good games guys.