ridji vs magico (3602 views)

19.04.10 18:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 1on1 Spring League 2010
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: FoaMeA (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Multi_huntplace

Total Pot: € 7506
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


gl ridji!
gl magico!!!!! :D
omg omg easy for magicoo ;d
magico da cheat0r
im not the guy banned on cb for multihack on this match :p
you are not the guy who was spamming me everyday on irc to play 1vs1 offi esl :D
im not the guy with +10 streak atm :D

you are not the winner i guess
*paleHook !
still using it :)?
never use it coz this didnt work on my pc but i forgot to delete it from etmain :DD
easy for low magico
Easy for Ridji ;}
nie powiedzial bym ze tak easy
how many years until ridji gets banned from ESL? or you won't ban him since he's the only one playing ?
they whould make them play with pb on :,
kurwo niekasuj moich komentow
cry me a river
Why should we ban him?
If I remember well, you banned him by demo, right?
If that's so, there's not enough proof to ban him @ ESL.

and also posted his etbot screenshots allover crossfire some months ago

now ban him so this tard plays liga4fun instead
he won't
ban is too old. :(
just ban that fucking retard every1 knows that he is still hacking >.<'
ban him + give us forfeit win for that match yesterday >:<
he won't
ridji will get banned anyway cuz he have to play against esl admin :D
I'll ask for demos if he's that obvious.
ye he had some pretty nice actions on tc_base :)
talk with the admin from your league to open a protest. :)
aha, so why you banned sCent?
You can't understand. It requires brain.
where are screens?
gl ridji parówko :D
rico magico hf!

You have € 250 ones magico
Possible win: € 565
gl magico :D
gl magico :)))
gl magico !! :)
gl sucia....

You have € 250 on magico
Possible win: € 515
BASH ridji hes motherfucking mongol he cant lose vs us PWN HIM! :))
hf magico :-)
hf ridji
np 4 magico, pls rape that retard :)
El tio este es una miaja manco
gl majico
Como pierdas te corto tu minipene.

He dixo

ese NSA comprensivo xD
19/04/10 16:32 #4
:h ridji
i wanna use wildcard coz i cant play today:/
there are no wildcards. :DDD
noshow win for me i guess then
polak nerd got rolled, ban.
u are banned at home u cant go outside so shut up fucking moron
haha nerd getting mad, i'm outside using iPad something you might afford in 10 years
yeah sure im not poor like u and your family :D
ridji noob :PPP