giteam vs ORDER-Gaming (3946 views)

be forzz
fr ineed$
fr Jaiffe
fr laaps
fr boursin
fr tigerfox
se vargen
se vktr
se bira
se kaviar
se baq
OC 5on5 - Fourth league, group B

IRC : #cb9940616_20
19.04.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2010
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: GoldoraK (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6216
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


wrong lineup, the correct one is:

se vargen
se vktr
se bira
se kaviar
se baq

baq is polak, u R playing with polak :x
he still lives in sweden though!
no he doesn't.
yes he is!
k, vargen told me he indeed does. Damn polak stealing your jobs eh :-)
I just click on autofill ^^
gl forzz/ineed
Goooooo Order! You better win or else I'll fist each and everyone of you!!

Franske luddere skal rulles! :O)))))) <33
ill make us loose just to get fisted by you <3
You won't regret, I promise ;-j
Why is some polak playing in your place? You were the only reason I actually specced Order, after moldu left :<
please, the only reason you spec order is to bust me :) :)
I already busted you, other people are just too stupid to aknowledge it. Except for maze ofcourse.
:< I have alot of school + that I am going to party for 3-4 weeks non stop, so there really won't be much time to play/prac at all! :< But I'll be back in almost exactly 1 month! weee :))
Hokay Partyboy, no shirt for one month?
if you're trying to insult or being ironic or whatever, I must say you're fucking terrible at it..
Order ftw!
Gl Giteam
Eazy win order?
our new swepolak will carry
hf vktr :)
Gl gi & baq
Canni help me, thay call me polak :<
GL order!
GL BOYS :))) facka dom i huvet vRg!
Satan ringer: "kan jag få din själ?" "javisst" Så är man ginger ;PPpPPp.

Island ringer: "Vill du ha ett askmoln?" "nääe", så fick man de ändå ;PppPppP.
j'ai reçu la mise a jour de mon bot, je conseil a tout mes fanboy de misez sur nous !
ou sur ta femme ??? :D
il a une femme :oo ?!
même une fille de 4 ans peut être :>

dépêchez vous le mec ma pm comme quoi il etait que 4 :)
gl flickor
You have € 10 on fr gi'
Possible win: € 41.6
merci les koupaings :D
i lold at order ego :D!
4-2 win giteam :) nice ego finish :p
no Alleviate no win
You have € 989 on fr gi'
You won € 4114.24

ORDER.kAviar can we leave now?
ORDER.kAviar its not like you gonna win..

ORDER. 8:16
GI 6:34 OUWNED !


ORDER.kAviar can we leave now?
ORDER.kAviar its not like you gonna win..

Worst last map I've ever seen!
i agree =)
men jag var ändå bäst, eller hur!?
Franske luddere skal rulles! =))
Jävla franske luddere! :D
ORDER.kAviar can we leave now?
ORDER.kAviar its not like you gonna win..
ORDER.Playerdownstairs: 2 coming up to flag!!!!