6 angels vs Duck n Cover (3542 views)

ru MightyBro
gb unbl
de vspyshka
de narujoa
fi biitti
fi Arde
fi Daisy
fi perDaj
fi Thomm
fi factor
fi niiBer
27.04.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2010
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: M1ghty^brother (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3

Total Pot: € 2081
The bets have been cancelled.

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dnc rollage incoming!
6 gay's will be pwned by D'n'C!!!!!!!
gl faabeli
kuka noista on faabeli sun mielestä? :D
new lineup?
Wrong lineup on dnc. Correct one will be Arde, Thomm, perdaj, factor, Daisy, niiBer.
an admin just did autofilling of lineups.
fixed now.
Yea, that was winter cup -lineup, got few changes now. See ya at night, I shall bet on you guys since I will be drunk :)
first /q me if we have 5 players for the match.
then u can bet, if u 'd like :D

hf mighty bro ;)

hf mighty bro ! :)
gl dnc
gl m'bro

thx,my black swedish bro
gl 6aHga & MightyBro :)
thx, our true fangirl
hl niiber!!
Duck n Cover gonna use a wildcard.
Can you please play it soon, all my GBooky money is on this and I can't get more :<