RazeR vs el vigorZ (7875 views)

14.12.06 19:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #GamesTV.org ETTV server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

By: Trubel (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 165


2nd but who cares?

Thursday not wednesday.
do you know line ups too, skillbo?
Razer ftw
loool very iZi for:

1 time Kiitos, Lakaii and Nils lost vs them under the old flag of A+R
but bemAus didn't be in lineup
so you say mAus has lower skill than zeto ? wtf
nope, I said that vib gonna own prolly, but teamplay with zet0 was more IMO
kk =)
didn't he quit ET yesterday ? :O
Vib lineup pls

prolly... if bezet0 don't play..
if mAus play vib gonna win
he takes them down all three ezy
lol @ quota
wird auch net so leicht denk ich :o
thursday i thought :o
vib back in action? :o :o :o
UN3XP3C73D >;[
who said we were going away
are you scared ?
tbh he is scared of u @ lan, he told me earlier today. something liek.. "decem, if im going to teh lan, would u plz protect me from the nasty belgians? ;<<<"
you should come to belgian lans, processors flying everywhere
good processors flying?
and in those processors are little green creatures with big black eyes!!
yes. =(
coool! :)
we'll beiing scared of me is kinda pathetic, i'm a dwarf but eeum
I am a nasty dwarf :) !
niwaar timmy
timmy van south park?
TIIIMMMMYYYYY haha he pwns. :P

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2sZdqGbgyw !!!!!!!!111111111111
well not you but teh evil sneek and vilango ;<<<<<<<<<<<
vilango is a bad boy, so i heard

he threatens to smash peoples computers :(
kick his ass?!
gl razer
match will be played on thursday
HOPE YOU GUYS GET A GOOD SERVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pls don't whine this time if you lose *_*
so game will be played today or tomorrow? :)
lol 5.00 RzR very easy money
so bet on RzR :)
Your bet: 5€ on RaZeR Possible Win: 25 € (+20 €)

before u say not only 5 ...10 is my money :P
bye bye "gratis 5 euro" :P
nowai :)
Your bet: 10€ on RaZeR Possible Win: 50 € (+40 €)
Your bet: 10€ on RaZeR Possible Win: 50 € (+40 €)

imo razer
GL @ Razer : )
lineupzZz thx
Your bet: 31€ on RaZeR
Possible Win: 155 € (+124 €)
acid = TIMMY from southpark :D :D
cool, but there are no servers :D
omg they killed kenny! bastards!!!111 :o
server pls
WTF servers :s
Server ??? oO
thanks for server ARtvTrubel
thats fucking bullshit
always something that goes wrong
nice sniper script, server crash, 15 secs comms delay gg :]
now THAT makes me ONE sad panda !!! =<<<

who won?
No one won yet, the score is still 1-1. there was a hitch warning on the server. Haha, which only seems to happen with VIB :). we will play second map shortly
vib won 3-1
edit: thx for replaying the second map
you won fair and square
well, giving you 10.20 was a generous act of us...
you puppies insulted us ! and we took revenge
We are not the small ones :)
as you judge by rumours, you will be suprised when meeting me
i wont meet you, i dont go to lans remember?
then just get raped by zeto's sniper :p
5-1 to vib ! GG
3-1 gg wp.
keke nils,kiitos,lakaii:(