Justfire vs Smurfs (1926 views)

pl spaki
pl Ser4no
pl churi
il ParaDoXx
be aszucka
Not Announced
25.04.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: spaki (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 723
The bets have been cancelled.

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1st GL smurfs!!!

pl Fox
pl Flow3r
pl EgzoticBanane
gb slotky
de ptaqu
pl Spokojny
Gl maciek ;d
4:0 smurfs gg pls add result
more playing with pb
btw deserved win
Cancelled ? Mecz sie odbyl a ze zjebaliscie z ettv to nie znaczy ze nie moge wygrac swojej kasy.
Try englisch next time and people can understand and reply to you.
ohh man! Why Cancelled ? Ettv fail but match not.
If the match wasn't broadcasted, bets needs to be cancelled.