AIMERz vs Enemy Territory UA (5910 views)

us n1ght
pl nOOBlet
us erAd
us aozz
gb GunNer
ee cr0w
xx elik
pl Karaj
01.05.10 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Mr.SingH (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8405
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 26


let's remove him
add conversje to Enemy Territory UA LU

sYnu tylko nie wywalajcie za haxy :X
you are taking every noob to your team forward... :(
gl N1ght
gl sc0w
gl blue
gl karaj
GL GunrarN
gunny, get a life ;o)
gl night
enjoy owning nightbreed
ye pobijemy:D
jebany nie udolny haxie wyjdz z et, jak bedziesz gral to oczy szeroko otwarte na ciebie i nagrywam wiec tam pilnuj sie
kto xD?
gl karaj
ty and i thinks we will get owned by karnaj lmao but we will see gl [ET]
its not fr karnaj. just a polish wannabe kid called karaj..
karnaj means carnage but then with a french swagger ;d .. and "carnage" does not mean "punish" as far as i know.
carnage means slaughter or smth like that :)
I THINKS??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
hf brandon
gl gunny
You have € 515 on in AIMERz Cancel bet
Possible win: € 798.25

no pressure gunny better win..
ok :D
You have € 24 on [ET]
Possible win: € 65.28
gunny will roll
da will sich doch jemand leicht paar Punkte verdienen ;)

hard match 4 [ET] anyway gl farward, elik, cr0w

where is killmaster; morti...
karaj i synu wh BEDA 2 busty hah
yhm beda beda
in that case we should be fine:D
n1ght wannaB night
aozz wannaB acozz
Gunny wannbe GunNer
nerd and tard wannabe cool and funny : (
i won
imagine u didnt get flamed into changing from "seNtiC" :'D
:P, like everyone i was senti's fanboy, but after that whole ban shit, i changed my mind
so meNtal. just between me and you.. are you sometimes missing the feeling of seNti's dick between your legs?
You're the only thing, I miss. :(
i didnt know that 2 years ago :o)
u replied to the wrong one :P:P:P
u were using "seNtiC" like 1yr after he got banned lol. maybe 2yrs
i didnt know that 2 years ago :o)
: ) u were newschooler.

i remember when there was a cless post by CrozZ. u called him wnb aCoZz :'DDDDDDDDD
sure bro
gl aozz
[ET]FORWARD, second best et name after silent_fart
oh wait, what about me?
Total Pot: € 8405
AIMERz 1.48
3.09 [ET]
You have € 51 on [ET]
You won € 157.59
qYou have € 96 on [ET]
You won € 296.64
You have € 139 on ua [ET]
You won € 429.51
gl karaj
You have € 500 on in AIMERz
You lost

noobs !"
o.O omg
me 2 :( i LOLD
Awesum gunnym8 :XD
You have € 20 on ua [ET]
You won € 61.8

You have € 20 on [ET]
You won € 61.8

You have € 89 on ua [ET]
You won € 275.01
isn't karaj cb/esl/cf banned? :PPP
he didnt play anyway
do u play today?