team exitium vs sIN.Gaming e.V. (4031 views)

fi webe
ir phyzic
de znArkii
de bloody
01.05.10 17:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 2on2 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Webe (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 2846
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


i like my flag xD
we iz going to get rolled :P

obviously u will win

e: ok im wrong;[
sa sent le shittt
phyzic ftw!
these guys are too obvious wow man
fass dir mal an die nase du spast,durch büsche schiessen und heulen das sind mir die richtigen. ":DDDDDD"
ps: siN cant ask for demos.
whoever the bush shooter was,i want you in my team!
you mean when i gave you 2hs from window through the three @ sd? ok im avi for 5o5 OC :D:D
at adler when you were proning?
yes and many more shit...whoever that guy was he just jumped on that stone when i was proning..and normaly you cant see ppl that good if they proning on that place..but nvm..dont except other things of you guys =)
I was the guy shooting you when you were proning cos i got aimbot + wallhack but bot was set to low :SSS
obv fintard is obv
MR. OBVIOUS HAT ZUGESCHLAGEN.. btw znark aka clean skillz0r gtfo with ur shit hax
webe can't handle it
lucky i didnt bet. would have lost 8k:<
if it was a german ./ nl server i could have hit a bit better but only ger / uk avi and phyzic cant play in ger servers
so typical, blame the server
nah, oppo was cheating harder :PDP:P
You have € 15 on eu ext3
You lost

rolled by cheats :<
et is getting boring , thinking about getting some wallhack since there are like 4 clean teams out there atm
dont you already have?
haha hillarious comming from you fkn retard play without cheats for once kid this is getting annoying
Awesome to see hackers calling eachother hackers :_D
its so funny , just watched the replay and look @ znarks mouse movement when there are no enemies in front of him xD its like he´s touching the mouse for the first time and then when enemies are in front of him he tracks perfectly

pú ert mjög ljótur vinur
couldnt you find something better which makes me to a hacker?
oh look, i did

znArk` • no pb srv=not forbidden to hack
znArk` • since they didnt use privat hacks
znArk` • thats the point
once again...mant says my "mercs" hacked and he wanted to whine @ killerboy to ban me for supporting cheaters in random i just defended myself and said..its not forbiiden to "cheat" on a srv where is no anti cheat tool..sry if iam wrong.
don't be ridiculous, it's only a matter of time now before you & your epic friends get hammered away
suviiin du jeile schnitte, lutsch mir die eier!
im pretty sure this is the first time i agree with suvi :s
np4 sIN<3
Guess atleast 2 of these 4 will be banned within the month :) or let us hope
phyzic & bloody,
i´ve been called a hacker for about 3 years now and nothing gona change i won´t get banned cause there is nothing there . i´ve already invited our beloved killerboy to search my computer and my registry through teamviewer r something but he didn´t want to :p
lol znark , nice 1 mate <3
wie ihr hated seid :)

gj znarkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii+bloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooody