Lost Soldiers vs Team Invisible (5289 views)

de kNoche
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si sLy
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pl Fanatic
pl Elviss
pl hassaN
pl rumun
pl sosi
Clanbase Spring OpenCup 2nd Division Groupe G
09.05.10 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2010
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: DanLanGo (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5800
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 23


change lineup to:
pl fanatic
pl Elviss
pl hassaN
pl rumun
pl sosi
add sosi @ cb roster plz otherwise he isnt allowed to play :_D
ye i'll add him when he'll return to home tomorrow
gl qwik
pl fanatic
pl Elviss
pl hassaN
pl rumun
pl sosi
they won a redcard... too bad
too bad you are lowskilled noob
Well, i haven't planed to get a OC prem + Ec player to win any game.
get a president and gtfo.
Elviss isnt allowed?
schau einfach wo er noch im team ist ;)
der hatr aber kein spiel für die gemacht solong
he was in infused, so i thought he was not allowed, btu he did not play any matches with infused so he's allowed to play with them, but when we played vs those guys, they took wssquad...
easy for Elviss
gl jungs
gl sly und langO
izi for lost
gl elviss & hassan
elviss aint allowed for this one, :/ he played for another one dident he?
Elviss is allowed , he didnt play any match with INFUSED so stop writing your stupid comments..
gl spastis, w0nd3r is watching u
stop stealing gas !!!!!!!!!!!!!
- sosi
+ staminaboy

sosi cant play because he is not on APL
gg fu
xclkhjvofynxjvc,vnsdyoiöv lcxnvk.,jxdyniämvnlcxkvn xycvm0pvsdyn xkn cv,cn nilöksdynlc x.,mvnxy x.,mn pxyclökn xcyvysydcvxbngxcvbn x fxfd gcv
gl rumun zdrajco !
Total Slots: Auto
Used Slots: 2

o kurwa
You have € 100 on de lost^
Possible win: € 698
ale to bylo dobre
pl Fanaticc Sunday, 9th May 2010 15:15
izi for lost

!! izi money
imo wh mial kazdy z nich nie wnikam jak strzelali
feierei wuhuhuohoohohhoohuouhuooH!
geiler scheiß!!!!
wat :D
nice skillboost lately (lost)
ye wonder pls delete my post again ;D

qwik owice office sry obvious wh XD r_shownormals > your brain XD

trees, walls ? fuck them ? fuck yea ! XDDDDDD
You forgot a "XD", nerd...
biste besoffen?
du musst demos uploaden mein freund ;D
you won the kiddie-award, congratz
learn how to hide your wallhack man xDD
What are these screenshots actually supposed to proof?
wait for avi
I'm looking forward to it.

Screenshots with shownormals can never proof anything tbh.
wp lost soldiers
qwik obvious hacker!