vs AntiClimax sponsored by r@g (3854 views)

cz jAno
cz HuuHuu
cz impressive
cz lsky
eu malfoy
be Flashy
be sile
hu senti
it stevji
nl fritsie
pt krypto
03.05.10 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Flash0 (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 9080
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


line up :

be Flashy
be sile
nl fritsie
it Stevji
pt krypto
izi for Aclmx
gl =)
hf janouš malfouš hu!
gl krypto
gl smile
to zas bude ostuda
gl mickey mouse & donald duck !
we ll need chessy chuck norris! :)
gl & hf frit
smajlici pome donich :) GL
gl aClmx :)
gL aClmx

wp, med+ won against low+ :d
med+? :D :D :D
ok med won against low
med max tbh (we) :X
ok med won against low
accept result kthx.. :)
already done thx bb
oy oy krypto!!! <33333
You have € 15 on =)
You won € 476.25

first time i didnt bet on myself and this is what happen...fck you world.
bremen_b3 in 5vs5 ladder ?? wtf ;o
was tight call...crappy map :X
naah, map is nice but i cant see it in ladder mappol ;p
You have 10 on cz =)
You won 317.5

diky moc ! :D
no income no win :P
no income no senti no win
no frauwe no win :p
you r too high for us frw....


we played very bad....thats why we lost....
You have € 20 on cz =)
You won € 635
50on smile win 1500 yeaaaaaaaa
You have 30 on =)
You won 952.5

dobre vy smajlici :DDD