Vandals @ ALCATIC vs (4054 views)

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Polish Community Cup

Group C
04.05.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Polish Community Cup
Manager: MassBlazed (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6375
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


1st! gl to dIZEL <3

You have € 10 on exert
Possible win: € 37.1

dont let me down
no nineL, no win! : D
First team - unknown cheaters
Second team - 2 known cheaters

Who will win? :s
who is known cheater ?
FoaMeA - suck, suck.
Mufasa ain't that unknown as he already got busted some time ago : - )
and dizel :D
ofensywnie Marcin z Kamilem, po zwyciestwo !
Dzieki Tomek, damy z siebie wszystko! :))
upoad and mufasa no pb np :>
Kamilu ogien!!!1 pokaraj tego leszcze Kube ;)
gl dIZEL ;)
gl exert! Bez Lenina dacie rade tyz :D Grucha ma byc trzech z puchy, np
bratobojczy pojedynek!
jeden stalji juz wygral, dlatego gra on a nie ja!
xD?:D :D!
ty pewnie nie wiesz ale stalji i ninel to bracia, maja jednego kompa i dzisiaj zamiast ninela gra jego brat przeciw nam !
wiedzialem, ze bracia i dlatego stad moj koment, ale nie wiedzialem, ze maja jednego kompa :D
GL mufasa
gl mufasa ;d and massblazed
mufasa :X magic riffle : ) >all
cos slabo mufi :(
1 raz tym timem : D