Lost Soldiers vs erAse #DevineGaming (4467 views)

de bomi
de ducis
si sLy
de qwik
de lango
nl esSe
nl Ap0c
no Hexagon
gb nips
fi DTEC7
03.05.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: DanLanGo (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
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Total Pot: € 2813
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


[18:37:05] <@dEVINE`esSe> why dont i get gl for tonight from u guys?:(
gl my pussy
hf lango
gl erAse <33
Nips the cheater will roll
All my money on no Hexagon. Fucking pwner!
I'm gonna be stoned... Luckily nips cheats so that should balance things out :)
Well, so does bomi unfortunately!
What's up with you being stoned all the time recently?
I'm emo, escaping from this meaningless thing called life and all that shit :D
Haha, ye being emo surely fits you perfect. :P
Hex always seemed to be some kind of junky (refering to things like alcohol) ;~)
...sLy was doing much better than bomi last time we played versus them ;S (I remember him getting accused of cheating some time ago, am I right?)
hater :9
Dunno sly was always owning, never heard that he got accused of cheating tho.
Didn't mean to accuse him, just thought he got accused in the past ^,^
sKy-e.sLy ?
gl qwik
irgendwann muss verlieren und vorallem immer gegen die selben doch mal keinen spaß mehr machen =S
anyway gl lost!!!! <3333333333333333
gl erase, was nice warming you up before the game.
that was worst warm up ever :p
dont hurt him like that
I didnt mean to, but it simply was :p
gl moldu
gg wp 8D
wp! sry we had to go :<

cu next time I guess ;)
we cant win vs you ;<
damn draw :(, but still a nice game
Fucking shit game 8D
03.05.10 20:30 WEST