rockit.ET vs OVERLOAd (15638 views)

11.05.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: deleteduser234 (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
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Total Pot: € 98749
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
gb QuadV Audio
By: TosspoT
Listen to TosspoT
Language: English
xx #CubeCast Cast server 8
By: galiathus
Listen to galiathus
Language: German

Total Slots: 1,200
Listener Peak: 14

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 378


You have € 163 on ROCKIT
Possible win: € 319.48
Finally Stuart again to listen. Awesome match
hf over.
GL- FiluS,Clown,mAus ;)
all on mAus :]
the big A in cAshy is reAlly nice bro, where did u get the inspirAtion from ????
The big PHOTOSYNTHESIS in photosynthesis is really nice bro, where did u get the inspiration from ????
Why do pakis have such a bad sense of humour?
mEus and mAul should play in Overload , then it would be a perfect team.
gl overload &rockit
GL FiluS <3 ejnoy:) HF mAus:)
tight match, but i think overload will take it considering their recent performances, depends how they play on bremen though.

I am the best in predicting EC scores!
that's cuz u give forfeits if u predict wrong
what? only bets i lost were cos of EM forfeitting
Quote by SampleOvr is the weakest one imo, only maus carrying

Quote by KillerboyI kind of agree with Sample


I don't know if you are the best to perdict scores, but obviously, you change your mind.
Killerboy: I kind of agree with Sample:, as soon as maus gets full they loose the stage :P

it was about only mAus carrying, not that they are the weakest

also check my bets on overload matches:

et 21.04 21:30 OVERLOAd be 3.97 vs. 1.34 pl to Make odds even 5 € on be ovr Won 20€
et 29.04 22:30 OVERLOAd be 1.20 vs. 6.08 pl 1stCav eSports Club 791 € on be ovr Won 949€
et 29.04 21:00 OVERLOAd be 1.18 vs. 6.63 de SPEEDLINK 670 € on be ovr Won 791€
:O it wasn't obvious ! But i'm a frog, i never undertsand english...

Anyway, it will be the most interesting match of groupe C...
GL both teams.
wow! you even risked 5 euros !!
thought the this 5-10e bets on outsiders from time to time too...
I should take my words back since they have improved. Hard prac go pro :P
they are copying f5? :PPPP
Lol what a stalker, zeto doesnt like u
How do u know that?! Liar!
You have € 90 on ROCKIT
Possible win: € 351 na filuSa stavím všetko :D
Go go hayaa aka Le biftek & vila lio.
Gl Clown
gooo mAus. Heker is your fan <33

mAus mAus hes your man , if he can do it , nobody can ... goooo mAus ( cheerleaders fav speach)
GL fuluS!!!
gogogogog maus gl ovr:)
gl TosspoT
gl filus, vila
Gl & hf Zak
Clown best player in this match.
gl ovr old m8
easy for overload ..
GL lio, vila and chry, cancer nerds !!
gl rockit!
overload rozkurwi!!!
gl hayaa :D
gl maus!
gl filustina
hf chry
mAus v hayaa
lets go mAus :D
GL Filusko
should be 3 stars ftw
2 only for tosspot's cast alone
gl hayaa!
so why there is only one star ? :/
rockit should take it imo.
Clown's pro tacs for giving mAus fulls are awesome ;D

let's roll

You have € 265 on ROCKIT
Possible win: € 919.55
will be very izi for overload
rockit will take it :P
gl Clown!
gl maus<3
Np 4 Rockit
Hayaa and Clown will do this :p
rockit or overload ... mAus!!!
GL hayaa .
zeto out -> mesq in
gl rockit
1 Star? right..?
GL Ya'll I hope Belgium wins :D Please wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin :D
NP for jimmy
Go mAusiboiiiii!!
score ?
'als ge geld wilt winne zet dan op rockit in' FU zeh zeto
You have € 27 on eu ROCKIT
Possible win: € 99.63
fu rockit ;d
close 1
omg mAus omg
gg mAus
Awesome OVERLAOd...
expected but still nice played both teams
Izi ovr
upload scores plz, i need my money :D
12 € on be ovr Won 16€

u needed 4€ ?
has zeto been reconnecting?
You have € 395 on be ovr
You won € 541.15
overload getting back in shape I see :O
You have € 250 on ROCKIT
You lost

WP overload, guess we'll see you in the finals,
You have € 50 on ovr
You won € 68.5
I always said ovr. will win this ec and they will :)