vs Infernal Gamers (4004 views)

de mAurice
de Daenji
de predi
de PreZ
pl mikeh
gb Ethr
at GayLi
pl w1lko
ro raku
06.05.10 20:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2010
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mAusrice (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7830
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de Team-Vizualize ETTV by. miiiq
By: mAusrice (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


gl maurice.

hf polak wilko
Prez & Deanji<33
gl hf Daenji <3 :* mAurice !!
gl dänji
sag auch mal das ich stinke oder so ;D
Danke rakji
all at ACID IG LOW
no myszal no win :<
myszal + ETTV = low+ max so NP
Oh shit, we will loose! All the money on ACiD!
You have € 100 on ACiD
Possible win: € 180
IIIIIZIIIIIE für ACID , gl leute!!! PreZ will own those fags!!
"fags" :D?
means u
maybe I'm a fag but fags is plural and my teamm8s aren't fags
gl boys
gl acid :) & galiathus for making a nice comment to us :>
gl wilko :)
gl wilko:D
gl raku :D
mAurice scared?
mAurice scared?
mAurice scared?
mAurice scared?
gl acid :o)
GL raku...
go go go galiii! but im not putting my money on you xD
put it on ACiD and win a lot :D
not ayhiti :P aka mr epic selfbust! :D
gl acid + gali !!
gl mAurice!
gl wilko
gl iG! easy for ACiD!
GL acid <3
prezz you are fatt <3 :D
acid lowy.. bedzie ogien
errrm busted ?!
du ja :D
er auch & sunny :)
bist du so dumm oder tust du nur so um " cool " zu sein ?
mAusrice = gott ... oder zumindestens versucht er es zu sein :D
Ich binnnnnnnnnns ! wieso ?
du bist auch nur am flamen oder ):J
hl hackermates <3
Gl mAurice predi and daenjii :)
gl wilko licze na pozdro !
Daenji< 333
gl ethr <3
gl both :)
gl ethr
skillboost deluxe?
gali fu low