to Make odds even vs SPEEDLINK (7914 views)

10.05.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Homer_ (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 54969
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de [Z.U.Z] offline
By: Highlander (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 93


closed game
gl sl
gl flopjehz
gl kReSti and dialer :D
will be played @ monday!
gl sl
gl flop & krest!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gl blade niggah, kresti, flop, stownage! & duke
gl sl
gl tMoe
gl oZUM :*
wünscht sich selbst gl :D eingebildet pff :DD
gl frag
gl sl
GL dialer/Blade
gl SL
gl dialer and Fragstealer <3
hf Bladito <3 and Krestito <3
gl bladee ( the best merc :D)
gl tmoe
gl sTOWNAGE idler!
You have € 73 on de SL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 293.46
gl flopjeh and kresti
izi 4 Stefan and Kresti :)
gl tMoe! bedzie ciezko
reschedule to 22:00 pls
you can also watch the replay ;D
gl Bl4d3
good luck stownage <3
wehe du wascht dir deine Eier davor blade!

HF EDAIN! and the other polaks!
edain karaj :) szkoda ze nie o 22 ;< ale coz GL !
tmoe is on fiiirreeeeee
gl blade kresti noobmeric<333
gl bl4d3 :DDD
wtf 20:51 match server is off:(:(
gl tMoe ;]
score ?
4-2 SL
gg wp
with reAz it would have been 4-0
reaz is an awesome player, but he just dont fit in the team as stownage does.
didn't even spec the game anyways :p
no with reaz, it would be 2-4 loss :_(
they wont understand
wo bist warst du die ganze zeit?
ja pierdziele Dialerka, czity was pokonaly :D oj grubaski:) anyway Speedlink smierdzi a wy jestescie ok xDDDD
jebani low
tMoe offline only
Bardzo udany turniej dla naszych orlow..
Well I guess there ain't single one difficult opponent in our group, but some of our matches got special background so maybe this will make them interesting.
nice kresti and flop <3 :)