Deathless vs shidima #sGp (6039 views)

gb havoc
gb hydro
gb koop
gb R0SS
il Res
gr Play-mAus
ro FaKy
nl morda
de psystic
at Don-Matias
Fifth week - #easy.cup


10.05.10 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup IV 5v5
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: Masterseries (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 12634
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 22


lulz they need to play 2 matches @ 21 and 21:15 XD
thanks for the info sherlock
Good Luck L4mpje
hes not in deathless anymore, he left!
well he is playing for you tonight
gl both
gl kiff0r
Gl playmate :)

= two mercs that will carry the team.
Stop commenting on our matches :x
Oh come on you know it's true.

Stop commenting on my comments.
deathless are shit, just 2 mercs carrying all the time
GL S'Agapo:X:X:X:X
GL Faky Playmate...:)
gl sir Don & dethless!
if you need a merc gimme a shout :p
gl playmate <3 and donito <3
gl Deathless and havoc
should be too izi for Deathless
still angry because u got raped?
eitje hoor motta :>
gogogo playmate<3
who will be the merc's?
gb Deathless

gb Havoc
gb Hydro
gb koop
gb R0SS
il Res
alter fickfehler aufeinmal lineup 10min vorm match ändern und r0ss nehmen...

scheiß großbritanier ohne scheiß mal
agree !
haja setz ich meine letzte 10 euro was los hia :D ihr hättet die sicher gezogen :D naja gl packt ihr hoffentlich trotzdem <3
ich glaub ned das wir das spieln werdn ;)
oda vl do k.A
warum nennen sie sich nich gleich "mixed because we are to low for the pwner team sgp" XD
red nich immer von deiner kindheit thx
Ok tut mir leid meister fettsack
ok mir auch du kleines 13 jähriges 1,50m großes kiddy :D
heißen im volksmund auch "briten" btw
vielen dank süßer
R0SS why the hell are you playin for deathless lol. Bunch of cheater lovers :D
they took 2 merc so they have a chance of winning
ich hoffe das dieser satz reine ironie war
Res is actually in deathless

and kinda ironic after you got znArk and mili as mercs
made my day :?
gl faky :D
hf res :>
your 2 mercs made the game ! gg wp !
o wait res did once tryout... sry
since when is res an overskilled merc

(no offence :P)
hes not but when u watch the match ross and res did nearly everything
DonMatthias is high ! (jk)