Belgian Fraternity vs Fintastic 5 (8076 views)

be Sup3r
be uNDEAd
be Gifted
be AL1
be Boss
fi Sample
fi olBaa
fi Matias
fi Lepari
16.05.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Killerboy (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 37261
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 199


gl boys <3
np4 aLi
gl ensam and olbaa and co
gl fintastic5 and Matias <3
gL belgiums
np for the fins! Gl
GL BF :)
GL bf
You have € 50 on BF
Possible win: € 2003.5
izi 4 boss
I'll try to get 10 kills on both maps combined
gl super,ali & gifted!

zet wel 5 op jullie mochten jullie tog winnen xDDD:s
hahahhaha waste of money
go GIFTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Gl BF.
omg Boss omg
gl BF
This match will be so boring
i hope that was sarcasm
gut luck al1, gifted & ffive:P
gl gayba
roll em Lepari
doe ma is ne stunt en pak die finne ;-)
stunt completed :P
gl BF!
fail game is fail
cancel bets
fins only 4 players
i quote: "matias: we'll start with 4 then" :P
switching servers 3 times?
all matchservers didnt work mysteriously, after the 3rd change the matchserver worked but the tvs didnt.
4-0 bf
cancel, kthx
some kind of late april fool's joke?
Status: finished, Entered result: 4-0 Robaciek Today 22:20

doesn't know gtv rules
no do not, I just enter score when players pm it to me -.-
match is still being played
cancel this shit!
its 5v5 and they're still playing
played the game, so shouldnt be cancelled
796 € on fi F5
You have € 85 on BF
Possible win: € 2236.35

Thx uNDEAd, knew i could trust you :D
gg guys :) 4-0 bf
You have € 5 on be BF
Possible win: € 131.55
Are you serious? 5vs4 and it's on GTV...

bibuy e-monies
robaciek is a nerd soz
let people have hope in e-money

why was it played btw?
bF very nice team.. very good teamplay, very fair team too! they will go far in this EC
I blame AL1, dunno what happened but I blame him
why? :s
cuz you worship CeeOhTwo! :D
who's ceeohtwo? :D
random australian nerd
omg et is dead...
wp nice ownage bF
bF very nice team.. very good teamplay, very fair team too! they will go far in this EC
4vs5, no use to play even.

fair players :)
smart to have only 5 allowed players on cb!
yeay bF won....lmfao
where s my money @ ?!?!

kzei t tog bf nerds