ORDER BANANA vs elatus (1580 views)

de D4vid
de genShi
fi Hukk
gb niSmO
de Noezify
gb Element
de nicon
ro nebu *
tr kaze
gb Pigeon
be Spears
fr Tsu
fr tzbq
12.05.10 06:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2010
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: HawKin$ (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 0
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1. ? gl both
bb dev1ous:/

Since we won from all teams (except you) we come 2nd place, whatever happens :D

Cu @ playoffs <3
:o oki, didnt know that result of 2nd vs. 3rd counts more than points
cu there then, nudist:>
this one is too easy for nismo <3
"EC PISTOL"-niSmO will deliver

1. edit: match is proposed for 17th of May.
gl to all BANANA gl to NOEZIFY hukk nismo. Noezify will deliver :D kaze still wh?
gl bananannanas :D
I thought elatus agreed with today?
no agreement atm :/
nice time
Order Banana wins by forfeit.