erAse #DevineGaming vs shidima #sGp (4167 views)

nl Apoc
nl Esse
gb Nips
no Hexagon
fi dTEC7
gr Playmate
ro FaKy
nl Mott4
de pSiquh
at DonMatthias
Sixth week - #easy.cup


16.05.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup IV 5v5
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: Masterseries (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8003
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
gb Gamingplanet.ET ETTVd Broadcaster
By: Masterseries (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


gl both, where is wayne ?
why are u asking? :DDD

€: rofl its homar right? :DDD <3
i love u don <3 but ur gonna get rolled
Don's gonna get rolled.
ben je dr zondag swa?
nog gefeliciteerd trouwens :Dddd
jah als het goed is ben ik er zondag maandag woensdag voor een keertje alle drie de dagen :E
en dankje.
Don is gonna roll Esse and Apoc.
gl all :)
gl playmate mott4 don <3
Gl Playmate and Mott4 :)
gl motta toppertje!
don <3
no BossHK no win
gl dtec and matthias
gl erAse <333
gl shidima <3 ma pis pe voi malakas :D
gl Playmate & DonMatthias
gl Mott4 playmate <3
gl motta
gl don faky psiquh mott4 and playmate:P
playmate <3
gg wp!
niPs = win WP eA

ul don& team
You have € 960 on eu erAse
You won € 1776
