Team-Rockit.RtCW vs indomitus (7272 views)

gb chrns
gb crmbs
at def
nl juncie
gb MerlinatoR
gb NecrostiX
gb sharky
de CliffDark
gb dictator
be homie
be mLy
nl oranje
ua twister
RtCW-Cup 4
Group 1 Match
6on6 - Lineups to be confirmed
16.05.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: rtcw Return To Castle Wolfenstein
League: RtCW-Cup 4
Hosting: Self Organised
Manager: MerlinatoR (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 32729
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Return To Castle Wolfenstein TV
gb WTV-eZbash cup
By: MerlinatoR (none)

Total Slots: 25
Viewer Peak: 30


1st ;D

gl Ri
urtier ---> roller !! gl
gl both teams
homie and virus gonna roll
need to work sunday, so i wont even see it on wtv :(
we're doomed
i can still play :D don't need to work anymore :p
is it 606 or 707 or 808?
rtcw <3
sup friend? :}D long time no see you :/
easy for rockit
gonna be an easy win for rockit!
gl Cliffdark and homie :)))))
urtier playing? :O
EDIT: Can't cast, not going to be back in time! GL ALL =)
all in [ind] gl dan & homie..(if u play)
Awesome. Great to see some RtCW back on WTV. :)
i wonder if twister&co can get it... they played really good last cup... and 118 isnt what they used to be
gl to both teams <3
gl urtier!
You have € 30 on ind
Possible win: € 2125.8

urtier and the crew win plz :$
izi crmbs & merli
You have € 39 on eu ind Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1337.31
The good old 8on8 format! :D

Goodluck Merl, crmbs, dic!
dic[k] :)
6 of those 8, !

just makes it easier in the future to use that autofill function aswell:P
gl.2d merlin and dic!
HF both :)
Very easy for Urtier
gl hf
Score is 2:2 not 4:0
lol it was 2-2 -_-
yeah : (
what the 3 above me said :) where can i find the demos ?
gg :))
any1 got demos?
the result itself was 2-2 in rounds played, but as the rules of the cup state smurfing / fakenicking is not allowed - so the result is out of the admins hands which is what the rules were implemented for.

The result is listed on GTV as 4-0 because I saw a similair match, in the recent past, where rounds were won by one team but defaulted because of rule infringement but the score included said defaulted rounds:
congrats! :)

edit: you're still wrong about gamestv though... the example you bring is uncomparable to this one for various reasons and there are tonns of other examples about how to deal with such situations, which is cancel the match.

rtcw 16.05 21:00 Team-Rockit.RtCW de 1.07 vs. 16.12 eu indomitus 5,000 € on de ROCKIT Won 5,350€

new gamestv scandal incoming?!!
yea your right, the game will be listed on GTV as 2-2 as this was the outcome, but cup rules were broken which both teams knew about and this could well result in a different result. Fortunately like I said to oranje and like you will no doubt already know it makes little difference to the group end standings and your qualification into 2nd place.
Are you an idiot or just a complete moron?
• First of all the rule states

"2. Players must wear their well known nick during gameplay on WTV and shoutcasted games, using fakenicks is prohibited at these times and will result in a round loss."

I've used this nickname for 2 months or more and it's well known

• Secondly, I merely forget to change my nickname since I’ve have been using it for 2 months and I was never told to change it.

The team was told to change the name but they thought it was a joke due to crumbs saying something that was misinterpreted and i never got told to change name.

ind''twister 2. Players must wear their well known nick during gameplay on WTV and shoutcasted games, using fakenicks is prohibited at the
ind''twister who is sharkystoleninternet?!?!
Ri..juncie IS HE PLAYING?!
Ri..MerlinatoR tell that to dic :)
Ri..juncie NO
ind''oranje dic we just lost s round
Ri..crmbs were not saying nething

• Finally, you’ll win the rematch anyway =)

But anyway was a fun game and gl to all teams in the cup.
oh dear. How the mighty have fallen!
We have also been doing well against NP on all maps but ice, but a bad game indeed.

Reminded me a lot of the last final !
no sharky no win
no 2d no win