Catharsis bullet Zealot vs FaMaS (3358 views)
16.05.10 21:30 CEST
Awards | awarded to | for |
Lady Macbeth | FAMAs An7hox | 130 kills |
Killing Spree | FAMAs quAkex | 7 frags without being killed |
Accountant | FAMAs quAkex | 132% kills/killed ratio |
He's dead, Jim! | ^PFAMAs Kawaiix | 42 gibs |
...and stay dead! | ^PFAMAs Kawaiix | 41% gibs/kill |
Lead Poisoning | FAMAs quAkex | 97 SMG kills |
Spammity spam spam! | FAMAs An7hox | 54 SPAM kills |
Fragstealer | FAMAs quAkex | 151 damage per frag |
Die! Damn you, Die! | CbZ JiindAy | 281 damage per frag |
What objective? | FAMAs An7hox | 647 XP |
Red Shirt | CbZ JiindAy | 130 deaths |
Are these pliers sharp? | CbZ ntz | 14 deaths without fragging |
Med Pack Whore | CbZ heyA | 169 damage per death |
Eyes Wide Shut | FAMAs quAkex | 7 team kills |
Gingerbread man | FAMAs Vendettax | 40 /kills |
» View plaintext endround stats
CbZ SIMOON [Warmup]: | sjoutout bahamut |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | sjoutout balobab |
CbZ SIMOON [Warmup]: | sjoutout rocky balobab |
CbZ ntz [Warmup]: | ! |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | mike mouse go |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | RUP |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | sjoutout a BULLSHIT |
CbZ SIMOON [Countdown]: | hf |
[8:19]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[8:15]: | The Axis have captured the forward bunker! |
[8:12]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[8:11]: | The Axis have captured the forward bunker! |
[7:50]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[7:22]: | Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[7:07]: | The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate! |
[7:01]: | The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit! |
[5:46]: | Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post! |
[5:41]: | Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[4:59]: | The Allies have breached the Depot Gate! |
[4:48]: | The Depot Fence has been constructed. |
[3:44]: | The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall! |
[3:28]: | The Allied Truck is in position! |
[3:00]: | The Crane Controls have been constructed. |
[2:59]: | The Allies have activated the crane! |
[2:46]: | The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck! |
[1:21]: | The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate! |
[Intermission]: | >>> Clock set to: 13:38 |
FAMAs An7hox [Intermission]: | 1 sec de trop imo |
CbZ SIMOON [Intermission]: | 13.37 :( |
FAMAs An7hox [Intermission]: | :D |
FAMAs quAkex [Intermission]: | gg |
FAMAs quAkex [Intermission]: | bb |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | :p |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | RUP |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | PULP : Amusez-vous bien les amis ! |
FAMAs quAkex [Countdown]: | :-D |
FAMAs An7hox [Countdown]: | antho69 tmtc pour val :D |
[13:22]: | Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[12:08]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[12:07]: | The Axis have captured the forward bunker! |
[11:39]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[11:28]: | The Depot Fence has been constructed. |
[11:00]: | The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit! |
[11:00]: | The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate! |
[10:24]: | Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post! |
[10:19]: | Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[9:09]: | The Allies have breached the Depot Gate! |
[8:30]: | The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall! |
[8:09]: | The Allies have breached the Depot's west wall! |
[7:29]: | The Allied Truck is in position! |
[7:25]: | The Crane Controls have been constructed. |
[7:24]: | The Allies have activated the crane! |
[7:11]: | The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck! |
FAMAs An7hox [5:08]: | gg |
CbZ SIMOON [4:43]: | wp |
[4:35]: | The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate! |
[Intermission]: | >>> Objective reached at 9:02 (original: 13:38) |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | PULP : Amusez-vous bien les amis ! |
[11:28]: | Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[10:32]: | Allies have breached the Side Entrance! |
[10:16]: | Allies capture the Forward Bunker! |
[8:46]: | Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker! |
[6:32]: | Allies have secured the West Radar Parts! |
[4:03]: | Allies have secured the East Radar Parts! |
[Intermission]: | >>> Clock set to: 7:56 |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | RUP |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | PULP : Amusez-vous bien les amis ! |
CbZ SIMOON [Countdown]: | hf |
CbZ JiindAy [6:32]: | MKAY |
[5:51]: | Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[5:44]: | Allies have breached the Side Entrance! |
[5:31]: | Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post! |
[5:25]: | Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[4:44]: | Allies capture the Forward Bunker! |
[4:26]: | Allies have secured the East Radar Parts! |
[4:04]: | Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker! |
[1:41]: | Allies have secured the West Radar Parts! |
[Intermission]: | >>> Objective reached at 6:14 (original: 7:56) |
CbZ SIMOON [Intermission]: | wp |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | RUP |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | :/ |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | PULP : Amusez-vous bien les amis ! |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Countdown]: | je joue depuis le canada |
CbZ SIMOON [Countdown]: | hf |
CbZ JiindAy [11:04]: | k |
FAMAs An7hox [11:01]: | xD |
[10:42]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[10:40]: | The Axis have reclaimed the forward bunker! |
[10:38]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[10:25]: | The side door has been destroyed! |
[10:23]: | The Wooden Barrier has been constructed. |
[10:13]: | Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[9:51]: | The main gate has been destroyed! |
[9:45]: | Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed. |
CbZ JiindAy [5:33]: | K |
FAMAs An7hox [5:30]: | jtm :p |
CbZ JiindAy [5:24]: | moi pas |
[4:45]: | The Allies have captured the keycard. The generator has been started! |
[4:43]: | Allied team has gained access to the truck! |
[4:19]: | Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post! |
CbZ SIMOON [4:17]: | , |
[4:15]: | Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[3:19]: | Truck Barrier #1 has been destroyed. |
FAMAs quAkex [3:03]: | !!!!!!!!!!! |
[3:01]: | The Truck has been repaired! |
[2:50]: | Truck Barrier #2 has been constructed. |
[0:26]: | Truck Barrier #2 has been destroyed. |
CbZ SIMOON [0:07]: | wp |
FAMAs An7hox [0:03]: | GG |
[Intermission]: | >>> Clock set to: 15:00 |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | RUP |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | rup plz |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | yavait une palissade |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | OUAIS |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | :/ |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | hahaha LAUL |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | :/ |
CbZ SIMOON [Warmup]: | chut |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | comment sa |
CbZ SIMOON [Warmup]: | antho il va gagner la fragland et il va te faire taire |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | fais belek gros |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | déjà ouaip |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | comme la CiC7 pour CbZ imo |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | moi j'donne des pings à qui n'en a pas assez |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | , |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | :> |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | ? |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | gast par exemple |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | :XD |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | putin go |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | connection en carton koi |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | on a un 999 |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | pardon |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | oué on va jouer avec un mec 999 et un 250 de ping |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | go quoi |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | :-D |
CbZ SIMOON [Warmup]: | on a 2 mec qui jouent avec plus de 100 pings |
CbZ SIMOON [Warmup]: | tu va pas t'en plaindre |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | moi joseph complet |
CbZ SIMOON [Warmup]: | jAu ? |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | non on gagne grace à çà imo :X |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | moi j'men plainds |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | :-D |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | l'ironie te perdra fab |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | :> |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | j'avoue |
CbZ SIMOON [Warmup]: | si ntz avait moins de pings il reflechirais plus ! |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | te la péter aussi :p |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | - de pings = + de neuronnes ? |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | j'dois etre con alors |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | :( |
CbZ SIMOON [Warmup]: | VOILA |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | moi j'tire à travers les murs pcq je vois le monsieur mais enfaite il est déja plus là |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | :( |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | ouaaaaaai il est re là |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | \o/ |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | cest presque comme moi adrien |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | :) |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | avec les pings en moins ! |
CbZ ntz [Warmup]: | sry lost connection |
CbZ SIMOON [Warmup]: | a propos des neurones? |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | /dDdDdDDDDd |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | à quand "antho ze movie ?" |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | s00n |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | c00l |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | :> |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | PULP : Amusez-vous bien les amis ! |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | mais bon je joue du low+ avec mon equipe de bras kc |
FAMAs An7hox [Warmup]: | donc chaud |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | t'as raison |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | regarde nous encore |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | mm pas low+ |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | :( |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | il est où bol de riz ? |
CbZ JiindAy [Warmup]: | rup lol om om om om g |
^PFAMAs Kawaiix [Warmup]: | c'est moi :x |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | ba oui |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | donc rup |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Warmup]: | ;XD |
CbZ SIMOON [Warmup]: | l'ironie vaincra :( |
^PFAMAs Kawaiix [Warmup]: | on attend quake |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | RUP |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | RUP |
FAMAs quAkex [Warmup]: | RUP |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Countdown]: | QUI A PEUR DU GRAND MECHANT LOUUUUUUUUUUP ? |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Countdown]: | spa moi |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Countdown]: | spa moi |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Countdown]: | lalal |
FAMAs An7hox [Countdown]: | PAS MOI |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Countdown]: | 8D |
FAMAs An7hox [Countdown]: | je le vois derriere tout imo |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [14:52]: | JBOUM |
[14:31]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[14:29]: | The Axis have reclaimed the forward bunker! |
[14:12]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[14:11]: | The Axis have reclaimed the forward bunker! |
[14:09]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[14:06]: | The side door has been destroyed! |
[13:39]: | Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[13:29]: | Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed. |
[13:16]: | The Wooden Barrier has been constructed. |
[13:13]: | The main gate has been destroyed! |
[11:53]: | Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post! |
[11:28]: | Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[11:11]: | The Allies have captured the keycard. The generator has been started! |
[11:09]: | Allied team has gained access to the truck! |
[10:39]: | The Truck has been repaired! |
[10:29]: | Truck Barrier #1 has been destroyed. |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [10:21]: | le fu |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [10:19]: | :> |
FAMAs An7hox [10:14]: | =) |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [10:06]: | moi j'lag d'abord et puis pas toi ! |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [10:05]: | :< |
CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [9:42]: | gG |
CbZ SIMOON [9:36]: | wp |
FAMAs quAkex [9:36]: | gg |
CbZ JiindAy [9:32]: | ggs |
CbZ SIMOON [9:30]: | gl epica |
FAMAs An7hox [9:26]: | deja fait |
FAMAs An7hox [9:25]: | :) |
[9:24]: | Allied team has escaped |
[Intermission]: | >>> Objective reached at 5:35 (original: 15:00) |
CbZ JiindAy [Intermission]: | gl codelust |
CbZ JiindAy [Intermission]: | tho wait |
CbZ SIMOON [Intermission]: | deja fait |
FAMAs An7hox [Intermission]: | et ouais |
[Intermission]: | FAMAs An7hox disconnected |
[Intermission]: | CbZ ntz disconnected |
[Intermission]: | CbZ SIMOON disconnected |
[Intermission]: | CbZ heyA disconnected |
[Intermission]: | FAMAs kEEJix disconnected |
[Intermission]: | CbZ Azurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr disconnected |
These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on.
You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:
- Server crash / restart
- Players reconnecting with new ids
- Too many random renames between rounds
Credits to the author of StatWhore
of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.