AntiClimax sponsored by r@g vs suffering (4546 views)

be Flashy
nl fritsie
it stevji
pt krypto
fr mamouth
pl mst
pl viC
pl albin
pl cymky
pl awu
Sixth week - #easy.cup


17.05.10 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup IV 5v5
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: Masterseries (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7702
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 40


way 2 izi for aClmx
skilldrops in this team wouldn't surprise me!
no1 even slightly suspicious in aClmx imo
Actually fritsie has a sudden skillboost :o
don't delete your comment next time eh mate :-)
Stupid comment after reading it twice :)
fritsie 46 acc on radar fritsie?

can't really get better than he was back then
what do you mean huh?

saying its izibash for you guys
flashy is a dumb and deleted his coment and I replied huh? to him
Gl SFR ;)
HF aclmx!
aclmx always win vs suffering
scuba the biggest cheaterwhiner in a team with senti, awesomeness :D
actually senti has proven enough that he isn't cheating anymore although I don't wanna talk it well what he did in the past :)
gl krypto
boa sorte krypto
gl krypto, mst, cymky, vic :)
max hf flashy & szuferink :p
krypto paneleiro do caralho boa sorte :D
gracias paneleiroooooo :P
izi for suffering
GL seNti!
tugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3
no gl krypto
dunno, I just wanted your reply! :D
im just nice to my e-friends :(
gl sfr
Gl Flshy Pwners:)
seems bad luck for us, 2 of lineup are not avi so lineup will be:
be Flashy
it Stevji
nl Fritsie
fr mamouth
pt krypto
I saw scuba speccing the vibe - impact match 2 seconds ago ;DD
not on the site
his name was ^8#^0aClmx^8-^7scuba ^8:O)

and he talked proper english like a guy from the UK would ;D

he is not registered on the site, are u fucking dumb?
who the fuck are u to talk to me like that with that attitude u fucking faggot

get a brain and i'll su :)
"get a brain" is that the best u can do?

maybe i misinterpreted what Flashy meant?

just get the fuck out dude
learn to read, cheating scum :D
gl krypto .
GL KRPYTO : ))))))
krpyto nice nick nikuuuuuuu :P ty <3
hf both :)
gl mst vic awu
4-2 for anti, close one : )
You have € 670 on aClmx
Possible win: € 824.1

killing spree
close to byl ten radar dzisiaj!
o, wiecej farta niz rozumu!
Ty to powiedziales :D!