The Last Resort vs cdap - pi (17085 views)

es Winghaven
be dAv1d
cz marv
il CrozZ
hr aCoZz
lv clown
it XyLoS
de sNoOp
nl kris
hu fobje
mt toxic
hu logic
Group B - Matchweek 3
20.12.06 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ClanBase ET EuroCup XIV
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Adacore (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
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Enemy Territory TV
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1st >:O]
close match IMO
Cmon aMenti!
gl aMenti
cdap ofc..
gl amenti
cdap 4 the win :)
4:2 aMenti:)
gl perfoheiser
looking forward to this match :D
Your bet: 23€ on cdap Possible Win: 74 € (+51 €)
cdap pie lineup?
nl perfo
nl aeq
nl kris
mt toxic
de snoop
hu fobje
phobeus wnb [flag=fin] ;x
Amenti imo :<
gaan p3rf0r4t0r ^^
amenti > 141 > cdap
cdap :<
gl perfo!
en kris
will be very close match...50/50 imo...
<3 Kris
GL all nice match
gl perfzorat0rs
gl cdap
possibly rescheduled
4:2 amenti!
amenti! \o
pi will take it
close one but cdap will win it
rescheduled LoeLz
gl amenti ftw marv pwn :)))
damn, tough chose. gonna choose aMenti gl
gl both sides :o)
gl perfo!<3
gl marv! <3
can go either way.
go cdap!!

cdap will be aMentimized like hx
rescheduled to monday 21
not rly?
i am in cdap, so why should i lie?
because the 21st is a thursday?
think he meant 9 oçlock:D
bah should have said that then :D
haha <3
pwned. ^^
woohoow... again a "cancelled" match :s
does nightraver of adacore know already? and 100% sure right? i got better things do do then wait for you to show... like [<<] o8 for example :)
cdap ftw
europe vs europe wtf
but its fun i know
more wildcards pls
last eurocup 0 clans used the wildcards
more whine about wildcards plz
last eurocup wasnt sexy pb update with 1337 lagz
do you like to watch 5x6 game ?
its just ridiculous imo
you should schedule the match on a date when u can play
not rly
last EC was not at the same time as NC... everybody need some time to prac...
gl hf
Your bet: 1269€ on aMenti Possible Win: 2551 € (+1282 €)
gl aMenti
gl fobje
gl amenti
cdap pls lose :(
otherwise kevin will nag all the time in class :(
go snoop, go!
amenti u better win this game or u'll meet idle in next round :DDDD
who cares since its double elimination
xylos going to play ?
Your bet: 523€ on aMenti
gl cdap pi <3
Your bet: 354€ on cdap Possible Win: 1313 € (+959 €)
PERFO G00000000!!!!!!<3
i will play very good, especially for my polish chickz nk, wodzian and s4rna!! <3
xylos get it and kick out 141 pls
if amenti wins 141 goes through :o
I smell a wildcard !
GL & HF Teamz!!! :>
pi for sure!
it XyLoS
de sNoOp
nl kris
hu fobje
mt toxic
nl perfo

aMenti oFc =)
perfo will take it!
gl perfo :*

amenti is strong atm :O
gl cdap
perforize them!
aMenti lineup ?
aMenti for the win!
hf perffffff
3man knife from perfo! :>
4:2 amenti :)
snoop! Feuer frei :]
this game is gonna be wildcarded again sry
:') that sucks
its a bad joke, isnt it?^^
GO aMenti!
Lol Xylos, hes crap, I would have said cdap to win, but not its amenti for sure.
GL cdap :)
gl both
<3 kris
Gl aMenti ho puntato su loro sn pazzo :sisi:
gl marv!
Amenti ftw
Go kris Attack!
4:0 4 aMenti
los españoles tienen radio?,si es asi posteen la ip,para que sea mas entretenido ver el match,salu2 de chile
i said it ;p
bah... all those wildcards these last days/weeks...
to bad :/ was waiting to see this match
give me a break. all these cancellations lately are getting ridiculous.
god has spoken
God has spoken.
god, pls make divine intervention in wildcards rules
lol nice141
i am at schooltrip on wednesday
so you won't play |:-?
xylos can play for u too np
he is like 2 in 1
you're noob anyway :D
Come on cdap you can do it
4-2 cdap :)
so perfo u aint playing tonight? :(
anyways, good luck and fun for the match tonight, but most important: beat ´em!
important match for one4one
yeah if it gets to nasty they will make the server crash so beware :o
gl pi
Money on cdap ofc
Nice match..
xylos knows amenti's tax?
ferus :*
cdap if ferus is playing...
Oo ferus
who will be playin rifle...that is the question
close match
12 players, 12 countries ^^
ferus is a 1-day wonder?
ferus <3
needs wildcard plz
go aMenti ;]]]]]]]]
bet on aMenti.
where's perfo :(
aMenti must win. Gl marv :P
Your bet: 400€ on aMenti
Possible Win: 636 € (+236 €)
Your bet: 800€ on cdap
Possible Win: 2136 € (+1336 €)
ferus:O Gl
gl tobi
ferus wb. ^^
gl to amenti! :D
ferus traitor???
amenti will win. Put ur money there.
remind me to not let you predict the lotto numbers for me :)
I'm sorry:

Your bet: 5€ on cdap Won 13€

I only had 10 bucks I needed some good odds. :)
aMenti ftw :>
one human wont change the score.
one human wont, but ferus will
ok we will see tonight if he can give victory to cdap :-)
except idle^night
night is not human :)
neither is ferus
add smiley or i think you're not joking
very nice lineup by cdap, anyway amenti ill take it
idd, it would be 4:0 for cdap anyway
ferus ;o
so, both wildcards have been used huh?
cdap for sure
ferus > perfo
ferus <3
ferus =d
cdap ofc
all my possible Euro's on pi!

aMenti 1.66 vs 2.52 cdap - pi Total pot: 113177 €
Your bet: 5€ on cdap
Possible Win: 13 € (+8 €)
lol 8) ferus <3
amenti ftw!
i rly dont know in which team should i bet :'<
lol @ perfo
gl snoop + perfo :)
Ferus lololololololololololololololol
gl & hf
gogogo snoop& perfo ftw ;D
and fobje
its funny, every player is from different country then other players :)
Indeed, 12 players - 12 nationalities :)
hax? O_o
it must be for Nations Cup then ;) :D
Your bet: 1200€ on cdap Possible Win: 2964 € (+1764 €)
ferus ftw
<3 xylos
where is perfo?
nl perfo Monday, 18th December 2006 23:55 Reply

lol nice141
i am at schooltrip on wednesday

ferus? :O
FERUS???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :-\\\\\\\\\\\\
Gl xylos or , cdap go
gl xylos gogogo
My money on cdap, gl <3
pwned. you should be a detective. x)
just saw update of lineup now logic will play
I hate logic. He thinks he is a god. ^^
would be close match imo
aCoZz good luck
logic <3

cdap ftw..
more rescheduling to later timeperiods pls
Your bet: 65€ on aMenti
Possible Win: 112 € (+47 €)
no perfo no win
He's my customer.
perfo doesnt use non private hax
GL cdap win me money ! :D
Score atm ?
cdap fullholded @ defense on supply, now they're attacking
1-0 cdap atm and Perfo is playing.
perfo, fobje, i fucking love you.
Your bet: 40€ on cdap Won 102€
Your bet: 137€ on cdap Won 348€
poeple actually though amenti would win?...
lolol aMenti 1.65 vs 2.54 cdap 1582€ on aMenti Lost :D
i trusted em, and it was a very close game.
just because they had ther ''moment'' against hx does say anything
wall played perfo
gg guys
Darn, lost a lots of money :(
1000 on cdap
won: 25400

thx snoop (:
that was nice...1
onoez i won :>
snoop! mein held :]
ggs :)
nicely played xylos, potm!
<3 u cdap !! :D won a lot of money
<3 u cdap, i won lot too :P