Finspastic 5 vs colt 45 and two zig Zags (8930 views)

23.05.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: vokki (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 93584
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 126


Gl first
plz colt45 win 4-0
What?! I wanted drink tonight...
Not sure if its going to be played tonight, yesterday kamz asked us to paly on sunday but dont know how it ended up, have to wait and see when kamz gets on here
Not sure if its going to be played tonight, yesterday kamz asked fspastic to paly on sunday but dont know how it ended up, have to wait and see when kamz gets on here
izi for emorej
gl zmk :)
gl colt45 =) zmk <3
we did not agree on this date.
fi Mind Thursday, 20th May 2010 13:46
Not sure if its going to be played tonight, yesterday kamz asked us to paly on sunday but dont know how it ended up, have to wait and see when kamz gets on here

reading is overrated
Its forced by cb.
I told you Sunday earlier on in the week and you didn't object. So, the match should be forced to Sunday, and since there wasn't an option to challenge on Sunday on cb .. I did not bother.
I didnt say anything to it, why didnt you just make counter challenge then? -,-
Sunday was not there in the drop down list. Last day was Thursday.
gl colt45
easy for stuka
You have € 164 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 398.52
hf colt69
GL colt45 especially kaMzZ
don't think that we can beat chmpp here :(
good luck all :)
gl kamz :D
wheres olbaa ? :( hes said he'll make 90 hs @ grush yesterday and he lost :X
who are u
whatever happend to olbaa? he's inactive?
? o0

olBaa doesn't even play for finspastic5 so why are u saying this here
i brought it up because you mentioned him
idk where he is lately so i asked :<
playing for Fintastic5 :D
gl vokki and kamzito
fspastic fi 2.00 2.00 gb colt45

Nice odds.
Total Pot: € 88888

GL fintards
2:0 colt
4 - 0 colt easy bash
You have € 30000 on gb colt45
You won € 63000
You have € 100 on gb colt45
You won € 210

easy bash
Repje 0.5 effi in Radar... SLAC is coming. :)
n1 ziomek
we just stole ur place finpastic :P
its not retarded,same stuff is in football,if 2 teams have same points on the table in most leagues goal diference is the main factor and not h2h score...
we wont have the same score :D
cant make a clear decision upon one match. Thats why they look at the overall scores.
we have 10/10 (4 games played) , you guys have 12/10 (5 games played)
we have to win. how is that retarded :D we won vs impact which gave us an advantage
its ok, ur EC win streak has stopped here :PPP
no -.-



haha nice 666 ping while it happened
we are offi only :)
they were bad, we were just worse, not our day
better team won.

sometimes u have to accept when u r not as good :[ !
wp Kamz =]