noBra!n vs ROYAL| (4545 views)

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de RAMoZz
sl b1bub4bu
sl rap1st
nl Artifexx
nl L4mpje
si Base
ge balu
20.05.10 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: deactivated#101 (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4174
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 28


lol issnt balu that fake dutch guy?
omgomg SPEC ARTIFEXX bust that wher omg hes so damn obvious!!!
Won't be available ;S
hf ton & l4mp
gl ton :)
gl royal
gl lampi boy, and base too :) e z for ROYAL
gl bibu
2 ez for me. expecting whine

anyway thanks :P
gl nB
10 euro4royal :D:D
gl Royal
You have € 22 on de nB| Cancel bet
Possible win: € 95.7

if we lose i atleast earn money
gl b1bu :)
gl bibu finnaly true skill!
isnt that balu busted?
this is the german balu(not busted and clean)
gl artifexx
gl l4mpje, b1bub4bu, base, balu and porny :D

e:Total Pot: € 1337

royal has it . gl base, l4mpje, balu
im not playing dements gotta work
Artihexxxxx GL man. Make us proud!
hé die hill, ty ;D
GL balu :)
gl base bas balu
ROYAL Lineup
gl balu
lowbob with hax
gl base (L)
i love you b1bub4bu!
GL nB!
gg nB
n1 :D
ihr boastarde warum gewinnt ihr wenn man einmal auf die gegner setzt?:(
was setzt du auf die gegner wir waren mix ( gensh<3) und die waren nicht so der knüller xD
gg RAMoZz, well played man.
You have € 250 on eu ROYAL|
You lost

u mad they arent that good
hahaha lampje how the fuck could you lose against nB, they are like the lowest 5o5 team i ever saw
nahhh, they are lower.... but we can play against each other? yesterday was a big fail...
i c, egoquit in 6mins :D
like i said, some probs at ts and big fail... rematch soon? :D
lampje didnt play, thats why we lost...