colt 45 and two zig Zags vs (12574 views)

gb KaMzZ
gb razz
fi twidi
pl zMk
fr emorej
se NuggaN
ee Night
de drago
fi Squall
fr kARn4J
si JaKaZc
19.05.10 23:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series VI Group Stage
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Jamie (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 156074
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 303


ça fait tard, mami va geuler !
à grand coup de lexomil
t'as enfin fais marcher ton wifi !
idle <3
osef de grandma
colt 45 and 2 zigzagz baby thats all we need

goo goo goo :D
You have € 70 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 4297.3
Go go guys!
lol u might lose that:) but i like c45 better
I officely expect another win from idle
You have € 250 on
Possible win: € 260
GL C45 <3 u all
gl both teams
You have € 10 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 173.1
karnaj ta gueule cherche pas d excuses pour te defiler,dis a ta grand mere que c est une star sur ET maintenant,elle va kiffer et elle te fera plus chier

woah les rimes,et en plus sans faire exprès(woaw,une de plus)

mange mon sexe toi
Son pseudo est parfaitement approprié à ta remarque. :{D
enjoy rape colt
C45 - target: Destroy.
MassBlazed - target: morda
dobre kurwa :D
1) nie jestem z poznania
2) poprostu morda leszczu
3) po prostu get slownik ortograficzny
4) get ironia tumanexie jebany
przyznaj sie ze jestes jebanym wsiokiem ktory nie potrafi pisac bez bledow, a nie bronisz sie ironia siurze
o kurwa masz mnie, moze wlasnie dlatego zeby ukryc swoja tepote napisalem duzymi literami ( mam nadzieje ze zrozumiales )
takiego kretyna jak ty to kurwa filozof by nie rozpracowal
nie mam watpliwosci ze tepak z ciebie pierwsza klasa :DDDDDD
Your looking out for me you've got my back
gl both
karnaj any good in idle?
im in aus so don't follow the scene very much
800 ping and persecuted by grandma but np
yes specced him for one moment on radar and gave 5 hs from 6 bullets :PpPp
can't even remember :E
idle vs nulli

nulli where securing the objective and you gave objective carrier about 3/4 headshots, he stayed alive though :(
was it 5 or 3/4???
he landed some headshots to another person before
gl night and reload ^zmk^ no life 4 life...
yes, we havent done anything else than pracced last few weeks ;)
Just because they've almost played all of their needed officials in a short period of time?
it's not like they are pracing or smth.
all my money on idle, kick ass m8s
Bon emo mets toi une plaque en acier sous le casque car tu va en avoir besoin ;DD
GL emorej et karnaj.
interesting :D
colt lu?
should've gone to specsavers o_O
Gl les petits loups
gogo MC
karnaj faudra penser a revoir les nades :D
Well played
bremen was close, c45 went so quick 2nd round untill barrier then it stopped altogether :(
wp idle -.-
kamz u played awesome :)
razz & twidi even better
kamz and night mvp imo
you maD?
just explain why u wanted razz and twidi so badly, i told u they arent that good
zmk oka!
If colt45 had rushed CP once they got truck they could've won that :(
ye, always same .. good attack on bremen, shit defense.

but i think we did good, easily could have taken bremen with abit more luck :)
So who won?
score ?
night is fuckin great :) and karnaj did a agr8 job takin obj @ alder! wp
ggs ;]
kARn4J and not "karnaj" please..
idle delivered