smanetti.bros vs Team Survive (5551 views)

pl staminaboy
il Res
de stRay
de wAtcher
de mntL (GTA NERD)
22.05.10 15:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 1336
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


You have € 4 on survive
Possible win: € 17
all in dont dissapoint me xDDDDDDDDD

cheater is owning.
Pretty funny this kiwi guy, would be funny to see his demo
forfeit because bros left server

he's uploading his demos!


2. Match rules


In case the game is tied after the 2 first maps, an extra round MUST be played on one of the remaining maps from the maplist.
The third map will be selected using the elimination system. The winner of the coinflip eliminates the first map, followed by the other team until one map is left to be played.
When a map is selected, the team which didn't have final pick chooses who attacks first.
oh w8 u are admin of my balls...match conflict is coming... ;)
he isn't admin :P
Pretty sad that you started playing with cheaters honey
i am playing since 2007 with him and he was always good and never got busted or banned
u can put score if it isnt officially...sorry man u can delete this shit score
we have to play an decider and since you quit, we've got the def win ...
I'm not an admin :o
post link here pls, i wanna see them too xD
What about cheater's rules? :!)
ofc he doenst see that he was hacking :D mental also ....cheater friends are always sick and a bit "hey wtf he's not cheating! ":D
bad loser wtf
rofl 'bad loser'? when you lose you're whining like hell aswell..
cheating isn't allowed!
funny game xD
We can also use the watch on demand, don't think it'd be so much needed.
Link it to the conflict
i'll do there isnt a conflict yet because 24hours but i want that u upload ur demos too pls! + staminaboy!
Not really needed since you got it on demand
15 years ask demos when a mate caugh cheating in an offi... :D nice try to defence him
watching the demo there is a claer wh and aimbot...but np he's clean for u ;)
kay m8 oO
shhh dont reply killaboy is watching you.
np im the best
ye the best lowtard that need an hack to play on this game
stray: and is gonan worm go with them to lan?

de stray Sunday, 20th December 2009 19:56
Tosspot cant here u -.- cant connect to the cast!!

de stray Saturday, 22nd May 2010 17:29
dich brauch ich hier jetzt auch noch unbedingt!

Zurück ins leben!
only wh imo

his aim aint that smooth to be aimbot
first i said the same on vent when we played, after watching again the demo u can see his crosshair sometimes on sd as axis (forgot the timetable) there is visible aimbot fail
just highsens oO
VJTO- bye bye ET

for sure if you playing everyday :P
(17:40:55) (D|Res) strayyyyy
(17:40:55) • Hinweis: Diese Unterhaltung wird nicht verschlüsselt. Um die Verschlüsselung aufzubauen, geben Sie '/crypt' ein.
(17:40:56) (strayyyyy) • (Query) 145 • (Channel offen) 3 • (Aktives Fenster) bv`fixxxer
(17:40:58) (D|Res) I've an offer for you
(17:42:24) (D|Res) I'll be speak clearly
(17:42:28) (D|Res) I hope you watched the demos
(17:42:38) (D|Res) Your friend, kiwi was obviously cheating
(17:42:49) (D|Res) Now, I'll be nice enough to give an offer
(17:43:07) (D|Res) Accept our score for forfeit win, and we won't make any troubles, you won't get your player banned
(17:43:12) (D|Res) But if you want accept it
(17:43:17) (D|Res) We'll go for conflict
(17:43:19) (D|Res) and if you wathced the demos
(17:43:22) (D|Res) You know you gonna lose it
(17:43:37) (D|Res) And your player would be banned and stuff which I don't give a shit about
(17:43:47) (D|Res) We can silence the whole shit without making any troubles
(17:43:51) (D|Res) You got 24 hours to think abotu that
(17:44:03) (D|Res) You can only lose from this situation. so maybe you should think where you lose less
(17:45:06) (strayyyyy) i luv u :D:D
(17:45:41) (D|Res) It was a simple offer. conflict will give us just an headahce
(17:45:56) (D|Res) Besides, I've watched the demo myself, and we've got enough just from watching delivery as an evidance
(17:46:02) (strayyyyy) do what u want
(17:46:07) (D|Res) As I said
(17:46:16) (strayyyyy) dont annoy me now
(17:46:17) (D|Res) You just declidned my scores
(17:46:19) (strayyyyy) we wont accept it
(17:46:23) (strayyyyy) i know kiwi isnt cheating
(17:46:25) (strayyyyy) for 100%
(17:46:34) (D|Res) Well
(17:46:40) (D|Res) If you really wanna take the risk
(17:46:47) (D|Res) Since if we'll go for conflict
(17:46:50) (D|Res) And incase you lose it
(17:46:52) (D|Res) He'll get banned
(17:46:57) (D|Res) So you lost both the match and your player
(17:47:03) (D|Res) I'm offering you to lose only one thing
(17:47:04) (D|Res) 24 hours
(17:47:06) (D|Res) to resend the scores
(17:47:07) (strayyyyy) man
(17:47:10) (D|Res) that you lost by forfeit
(17:47:13) (D|Res) If you really are
(17:47:14) (D|Res) 100% sure
(17:47:15) (strayyyyy) 1st i have a life not like u
(17:47:16) (D|Res) don't
(17:47:20) (strayyyyy) 2nd he isnt cheating
(17:47:23) (D|Res) Maybe
(17:47:37) (D|Res) Just keep hoping that the admin who gonna review the conflict
(17:47:39) (D|Res) would think the same
(17:48:12) (strayyyyy) im pretty sure :)
(17:48:32) (D|Res) So enjoy having a life and I'll go to what you just called my 'no life'. my offers stands still, change the results you've entered to that you lose by forfeit and we won't say anything about the player. 24 hours for that
(17:48:41) (D|Res) Hope to see you again in better reason. goodbye for now
(17:49:14) (strayyyyy) ur a nerd HAHA
(17:49:35) (D|Res) yeah whatever
so weak oOu gonna see this skills at lan
(17:47:15) (strayyyyy) 1st i have a life not like u
context? :-D

(17:47:26) (strayyyyy) he played allrdy lans and so on
lol wat? i wanna see that :D

what was the use in posting these logs? i mean, you just make both of you look ridiculous.
privat lans izi
ok then everyone played at lan already XD
I don't think there's anything ridiculous about that, or at least about my offer

The guy was obviously cheating, and they'll lose their doubt

At least I don't care that he cheats, as long as it's not against me.
I offered him a simple offer without making any headache with conflict,losing the match and not losing their player, now he'll lose both (:
so weak
well, i wouldn't be surprised. i played against him often enough to know how "suspicious" (to be moderate) he is. and stuff like him camping spawnway like 3 times in 12 minutes, the 3 times someone went this way. the rest of the match he didnt really care about spawnway and it's impossible to surprise or backrape him anyways, always knowing which move the oppo will do. let alone his hs and acc. but then again, i stopped caring too much and used to give ppl the benefit of the doubt. though im wondering how far "doubt" goes. can't wait to see him play with slac at least (or on lan but that will never happen anyways).

but "i dont care that he cheats as long as its not vs me but vs other teams in other officials" is quite a weird attitude too..
ur low!
1) it doesn't really matter that i am low
2) gr0ss said the same about you HAH :_D
1) it doesn't really matter that i am low
2) Gut, dass du gr0ss mit ins spiel bringst, denn ueber ihn sagten auch alle dass er cheatet & ich wusste immer dass er clena ist das selbe mit kiwi!

Du wirst schon sehen wie kiwi auf lan abgeht, und du hast dich blamiert ;)
ich hab gr0ss nicht accused und ich hab mich dann auch nicht blamiert, weil ich jetzt auch nicht dasteh und sag "LOL KIWI HAT AN DER IST SO OBVIOUS GEHT STERBEN" sondern mehr so sage "ja es würd mich nicht überraschen, ich will sehn wie er auf lan spielt". wobei kiwi ja selber sagt dass er vorerst wohl net auf lan spielen wird wegen alter und bla
ja ich hab nur gesagt das ich 16 bin aber vllt gehn wir mit survive und dann kannst du dich ja selbst überzeugen^^
finds witzig wie du in der lage bist ohne flames zu antworten im gegensatz zu stray den's eigentlich nicht mal betrifft :_D
naja mir ist das eig alles egal... finde das eher gut das alle denken das ich cheate^^das einzigste prob ist das mich kb bestimmt bannt wegen nix naja dann komm ich halt mit fakenick auf lan^^
naja ich bin erst 16 geb mir noch n bissl zeit bis ich mal auf n lan komme
für n anfang bin ich dann erst mal auf slac gespannt :p
da wird sicht nichts ändern :)
weil du net an hast oder weil dein bot so gut ist ? ;)

ne, scherz am rande, ich kenn dich (net gut aber n bischn) & ich müsst mich stark täuschen :o
er ist so gut ^^
dude same shit like gr0ss, he isn't cheating
with the difference that i never accused gr0ss ;D
du dkenst auch du wärst king of et oder?

digga du hast nie was erreicht & wirst auch nie was erreichen.

kiwi is clean & du bisz low!
haha wie du abgehst, so peinlich.
ich denke ich wäre king of et? das ist mir neu.
ich weiß dass ich nicht übermäßig gut bin und kann ganz gut damit leben. nur leider trifft das auf dich nicht zu, du denkst du wärst toll wenn du von andren leuten gecarried wirst. es ist mir scheißegal ob ich je was erreiche, weil ich nicht mal mehr aktiv spiele wegen studium sondern nur jedes 3. oder 4. wochenende überhaupt die möglichkeit hab zu zocken. aber hey, flame mich weiter damit dass ich low bin und nie was erreichen werde, das tut mir seeehr weh. aber hey, vllt gewinnst du ja mal nen 1-day-cup und hast dann was erreicht!! mit deinen achievements kann wohl sogar ich noch mithalten XD
wärst du in der lage zu lesen, würdest du ja sogar merken dass ich nich mal sage dass kiwi uber-obvious ist und insta-banned werden sollte o.ä.
du musst verstehen, dass er dich nicht verstehen kann
most ridiculous post for the last time.
youre acting callow and im sure youre as old as your answers make you seem.

+1 to rise
kay old guy
u is needed ofc!
you neither know what you actually said, hm? ;)
lownerds whining about kiwi , i play with him since 2008 or sth , and hes never been obvious , its just his skill but no one of the all so called "highscene" seems to understand that hes an undetected talent , so shut up jealous nerds.
Res isnt from highscene :p
seems like you have no idea , since cb account has nothing to do with his abilities / skill or however you might call it.
thx for amusing me anyways.
kenn ich nich
genau das ist der Punkt. Lowbob!
haha ur sow cute man his cb acc is nearly 2 yrs old!
the age of his account doesnt mean that he isnt cheating (in this match)
my cb acc is about 2 years too, what does it change if i want to play with cheat? does it provide any new anticheat program ? :{DDDDDDDDD
it's just because of the command (which he delted himself) in which he told that kiwi's cbacc is 2months old^^