dwukropekha vs smanetti.bros (5691 views)

pl rumuN
pl Fanatic
pl Elviss
de wnb kiwi
pl staminaboy
si squAze
23.05.10 15:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: vjtO (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6406
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


kiwi is obviously vjto!
gl rumun

gl elvis

gl fanatic

GL VJTO, Staminaboyyy, squAze <3
:*:*:* i'm wnb kiwi from noW! succes garanteed
Haha, playing for fun is great!
there is no more fun for me in this game...but laughing about how i suck is always the best :D
You have € 1000 on it bros
You lost
How stupid can you be to bet on us, you should know we dont play serious versus polaks.
so why are you playing with polak in your team?8D so you dont play serious in any game
im wnbfin , not polish xD
Total Pot: € 6406
:h eu 3.27 - 1.44 it bros

Maybe im not the only one who was that stupid to bet on u :)
dont bet on us, nevah cus we arent cheating .... this doesnt mean that elvis and co was cheating...but most of the Et players got some programs under ...so we dont have chances :D
There is fun, but I really dont care for these polak opponents. If they dont win in this game they use cheats. So I hate polaks!
you mad? :o!
Not mad, im laughing how serious u took this game.
ok maybe there were 2 fun games out of 1000000000 last year im laughing at how you think you are cool
You have € 50 on eu :h
You won € 163.5

thx ;]
zAAba podobno nagrywa ci jakies .avi po dzisiejszym meczu :::::DDDDDDDDDD!
no real kiwi no win :D