Ein Killa Heartz vs Clan of Poop (3818 views)

fi kEpp
be jUM4Njii
pl muCka
pl Luke
fr johny_
pl starcu
ca Co0p
ca DV8
ca FarhanN
ca Henkie
ca NoChoicE
30.05.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: ras900 (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Total Pot: € 3374
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


hf both ;)
u can't use this server srry it is booked for next 4 weeks
Yeh sorry, but we have our Blackops Cup the next couple of weeks. After that its free to use for all again.
lol.... its Blackops cup....
buza ;D gl
dziekowac ; * :D
jak im nie najebiecie to sie do mnie nie odzywaj !:[
a jak to jakies haxy? :(((( Najebiemy frajerom ;D
nie znam ich, albo haxy albo randomy :O
:) hf both
Gl & hf
gl CoP! :)
stawiac na Cop !! ;D chce wiecej wygrac
izi for ein
nie powinno byc tak zle :)
LOL easy for CoP imo
Ja tam gram :O?
BlackOps cup Fails Admins

Adminie.. w twoim domu jest bomba...
who the fuck won?
money back?
too bad i can't vote anymore. this would be easy money otherwise.
money back or who won?

and that with the same as 10.00 oY pl vs pl 1stCav
You have € 70 on CoP!
Possible win: € 345.8
no to chyba przegrasz swoje talary :<
gl guys!
You have € 70 on CoP!
You lost