unpatched.et vs suffering (4871 views)

nl Enigma
nl Ati_
ee frEeze
no shimmie
pl mst
pl vic
pl albin
pl awu
pl cymky
1/8 finals - #easy.cup


30.05.10 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup IV 5v5
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: Enigma (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 13268
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
nl #GamingPlanet.ET ETTVd #1 Quality Games
By: Quake90 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 23


all in on sfr, obviously
u trust me a lot do you??
its just that i have played vs both of u, steamrolled u and suffering steamrolled us
Total Pot: € 670

if your not trolling you fail
he fails, obviously^^
gl enigma !
lol :D
je zou bijna denken aan baserace heXD
Suvi ftw :DDDD PP ftw :p
pozdro :XD
Gl unpatched, :)
May teh force be with ya!
GL SFR <3 !!!
2 of ya from unpatched nice team name :D but will be izi against these lows
PP * always played as unpatched.et, cuz it was first used at frag cup:)
Member Since 4th January 2010

Obvious is obvious...
I co to ma do rzeczy? xd
ze jest leszczem i nie wie ze suffering to w chuj zajebisty klan (historia na to wskazuje!) i nie jest low, a low+
po czym wnioskujesz ze nie wie? ze se zalozyl konto na gtv w tym roku? xddddd
po tym ze nazywa nas lowami, a to ze zalozyl se konto w tym roku to oznacza ze albo gra pare miesiecy, albo jest debilem ktory zmienia konta zeby zaspamowac cale gtv, albo jest idiota ktory grajac 5 lat zorientowal sie ze istnieje gamestv, albo po prostu nie mial konta bo mial w dupie gamestv ale ja zakladam ze spelnia ktores z poprzednich 3 zalozen :D

moze wchodzic w gre jeszcze hater 3000
jak wy nie jestescie low to czemu dostajecie w dupe od med/med-
jak jestesmy low to dlaczego wygrywamy z med-/med, a czasami uda nam sie nawet ugrac mape z med+ :D

i have multiple gtv accounts whats ur point u retard lol
"i have multiple gtv accounts"

You still don't get it, do you ?
no, you dont get that your way of thinking is retarded
Oh well, the fact that you can't understand my way o thinking doesn't mean it's retarded. Accusing someone of being retarded just because you can't understand what he means is a pure silliness, and proves nothing but that you are an idiot :D.
I thought the same :D
GL Ati
only know like 2/3 from these guys from .55 :X
well I don't think they all were, at least not during the time we were.
gl enigma und zhe crew
vicu ssie pauki na osiedlu :-)
lol da je die nl gasjes en suvi kon fixe.. maa nou ook freeze xSDD
gl cymky and VIC
gl freeze aka hungry hitler , suVi , mst , cymky , awu
gl both :)
enigma low :D

You have € 137 on pl SFR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1249.44

make me rich shit polaktards
even if we gonna have a chance to win we gonna lose on purpose
wp : )