noNpoint vs (5694 views)

il Res
pl Lukey
pl aDman
nl stib
nl reVo
nl Cobra
Second Division
Semi - Finals
01.06.10 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: reSIZ (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 23101
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


Will be easy for me.
gl stibnator
gl stib
gl veruna and reVo
gl ori<3
wtf, i thought charism self is dead, and reVo stopped? :o

Anyways gl charism y'all got style :p
stib revo cobra
izi 4 charism need janus tho :<
gl charism :)
hij leeft nog!
Quotemaar speel niet

e: exceed heeft zn post ge-edit :D hij zei eerst dat die niet meer speelt :DDD
dat klopt vriend
gl #target boys :D
gl aDman,stib

and ofcourse pwner reVo aka hornyvoice and awesome guy.
Res will roll all anti-jeWs
ez for charismpwnrs
Revo for the win, mate , Jij bent een boer!! ;)
en jij waadt in de modder !

excuse moi j'ai pas pu résister :D
dankjewel kazuki!
gl noN
easy for res and veruna
gl stib
noN gonna use merc. wouldn't bet on us.
its 3v3 how complex do you think it is? :D
Stop trolling over my matches nerd
u mad? was just a question not like ur 3rd merk isnt capable so just didnt understand ur statement
we will lose anyway
gl revo
wp, 2bad you couldn't play 2nd map!
revo back in buisness? :D
Nope, but I did roll!
ik had vertrouwen op jullie!

You have € 600 on nl charism
You won € 870
You have € 500 on charism
You won € 725

revo, sexy foto op je hyves!