colt 45 and two zig Zags vs Sleeperz (10983 views)

gb KaMzZ
gb razz
fi twidi
pl zMk
fr emorej
se NuggaN
ee Euruz
gb griim
no Eirik
hr suVi
nl Ati_
31.05.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series VI Group Stage » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Jamie (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 114043
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 221


Time to get revenge on that stabber, ati.
you got a great teamplay kamz, didnt expect really
ty :)
Kamz finally got his revenge... oh wait
sober zMk = insta win, go pawel, kurwa!
gl emorej
kamz revenge time :D
gl colt
lol kamz revenge XD for ATI
shud be a good match, especially watching suVi and Kamz's 60 bullet duels

you're still the greatest
gl kamz razz griim : )
gl colt45
You have € 500 on colt45
Possible win: € 685
Jeez, bet on colt45 who is an awesome team, or bet on ATI_ who is pure ownage.

Jesus christ.
OH..MY...GOd ur totally right dud!
Well , lets do , Colt will win , but ATI will roll =)

Why did ati leave colt xD ?
colt45 is team awsaome ati only 1 player pwnage gues what will win?
gl kamz and suvi
gl eirik !
no lazio no fail
izi 4 kamz + razz
gl razz griim kiriE
Ati_ will take it
i don't know but, when you bring up Ati name i laugh :D
gl razz griim
eirik and your f'd up cfg
zzz wins supply, colt wins gold

zzz takes decider 4-2 :P
dunno about the maps, since i havent watched it...but ur guess seems pretty good :D
gl euruz griim suvi ati
Gl razz :)
WHAT THE FUCCCCCCK Ati_ in zZz tlotrttoltortlotlrotlrotlotllotololl
ati no need for luck ;)
zZz's have gone offi only so ez bash for colt45!
Gl emorej & Ati_ :D.
gl kamz, razz!
gl ,=-
gl bitchs :]
gl zzz!
own them ati_
no lazio = win
hehe :P
gl kamz.
Dunno, zzz won against Impact...
gl 45 but on what server ?! have anybody ip ettv ?
ahh kay and1
zzz, what about driving the truck?
so eirik how is that new bot working for you?
2-2 omg omg omg
Eirik for potm tbh :)

can't specs stfu? :S
GOSH! BEST RADAR EVER! WOW! That was so cloooosed!
4:2 Sleeperz wp colt45
gg zzz, bad game for me:(
Nah! Was an awesome match! Gratz!
gg zZz at the end better teamplay :)
awesome match :P
gotta be the worst docrun I've ever done

but gg =)
The stress is incredible @ those moments, but wp!
You have € 250 on dk zZz
You won € 1092.5
Possible win: € 1092.5 wp
You have € 50000 on gb colt45
You lost
You have € 1000 on zZz
You won € 4370

jeez I only bet on highest odds..
Eirik delivered.
:D looks like what I say is true
killerboy is trolling, incase ur too stupid to realise
point is still valid :D
yea i do suck these days, too much pressure being ingame leader and tactician :P:P:P:P:P

look at ensam, always he has low dmg also but i understand because he think about team and tell everybody what to do like me :-[
i never have lowest damage and i dont give a shit about what my 'team' does
don't lie m8, i know :P hehe
You have € 10 on dk zZz
You won € 43.7
thx kamz
radar was pretty epic =)
You have € 250 on gb colt45
You lost

thats a shame kamz :s
You have € 10 on dk zZz
You won € 43.7
hehe was exciting at the end ;P
what the hell happend exactly to suvi with the docs at last round?
twidi rolled him
killerboy pushed him
comms fail
bollocks, u ran like a ball less chicken with em..saw him, panicked and died...

lucky bastard anyway and thanks for my 4k€ :)
not bollocks :D it's what happened, and np, always there where you need your money!
saw they were coming in with 3 guys so I jumped into the truck and hid there for couple seconds so that I could just jump straight at the doc carrier.. happened to work this time but was lucky of course :D
good match in the end =)
it takes alot to make me shout, you done it in the last objective return xD
'FOP LEFT FOP LEFT' :D noone shooting him
gg :DDD nice come back zzz
You have € 10 on dk zZz
You won € 43.7

thanks kamz
bah.. fucking thought we won it already when I got east back, but I only just got it like 2 secs after spawn so others had already spawned at hut

should've called on vent before that last spawn that everyone would just spawn back in case we get it as they wouldn't have gotten to truck in time by any chance, but was a bit too intense situation for such call :p

ggs and wp zZz
it was fucking epic take back ! waiting some1 to make avi of it
FUCK!!!!! COLT why??? :S:S
sweet :D knew it dudes :)
You have € 63 on dk zZz
You won € 275.31

You have € 500 on dk zZz
You won € 2185

You have € 250 on colt45
You lost

i lost my hope in polaks teams.. but colt?!?!?!?! WTF?!?!?
You have € 250 on dk zZz
You won € 1092.5

thx <3 :DD
Artline Eirik and g5 Ati_ vs cold45... it's obvious who the winner is going to be :)))))
70 € on zZz Won 306€

gg guys, well deserved .. just needed abit of luck xD
what a game :O
wp zZz , didnt expect after supply attack.

to Lazio and hell: Why do you speak about your team like this? not funny at all :|
You have € 250 on dk zZz
You won € 1092.5

Expected, Eirik never lets a brother down
You have € 150 on dk zZz
You won € 655.5
epic game was like a final of euro cup :D
You have € 347 on gb colt45
You lost
Who is dave ?
i lost 600e you fucking fags gtfo lowskills

You have € 50 on zZz
You won € 218.5

thank u guys
You have € 2500 on dk zZz
You won € 10925