Tagapagtanggol vs Lambs (3711 views)

pl slash
pl abject
pl s1ze
pl snider
pl kuba
pl vib
fi BossHK
fi Graavilohi
fi magii
30.05.10 20:00 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g 55 kills
Killing Spree slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL 8 frags without being killed
Accountant LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g 115% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! snider'TAGAPAGTANGGOL 15 gibs
...and stay dead! snider'TAGAPAGTANGGOL 35% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g 53 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! LAMBS! 2. Juuti 31 SPAM kills
Fragstealer snider'TAGAPAGTANGGOL 153 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! LAMBS! BossHK 250 damage per frag
What objective? LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g 408 XP
Red Shirt LAMBS! magii 68 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? LAMBS! magii 12 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL 183 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut LAMBS! magii 2 team kills
Gingerbread man LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g 17 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LAMBS! magii633164368110216828265184980/00/433/4111/819396312
LAMBS! 2. Juuti86258546010329927959622490/019/20/4231/61729546
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g1124085548121117918176792500/02/253/261/316715774
LAMBS! BossHK59272335591116612775393720/00/430/284/7186135410
LAMBS! turbocommie8526045538018830588591770/00/745/301/918516755
LAMBS! 801514230284505766411743655715460/021/7161/3048/918113057
Player Summary for radar
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LAMBS! magii538271300031806145400/00/04/83/1DKDKDDKDK/D/KDK/KDDD
LAMBS! 2. Juuti503071411011519133200/03/00/124/0DDSDDDKKDKKDKDKDDDD/K
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g366541120041003154600/00/04/60/1DK//KDKD//DKDDD
LAMBS! BossHK16442122002921190300/00/22/80/0KDDDDD/DDDDKD/
LAMBS! turbocommie6150813000214202069400/00/18/90/1KDDKDDK/KKDKDD/DKDDKD
LAMBS! 4327128635101266698304400/03/318/437/3

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LAMBS! magii3847718400316111619180/00/05/152/0KDDDDDD/D/DDDKKDDK/KKDKDD
LAMBS! 2. Juuti133571290103187285900/06/00/55/0KDSKK/KKKDK/KDK/DKDKK
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g154921711000422951336720/01/116/60/0K/DKKDKDKDKKK/DKDKKKK/KKKKD/
LAMBS! BossHK878178000316621170940/00/07/40/1/KKDK/KDKKDDD/K
LAMBS! turbocommie332439100110861321360/00/03/80/0KDDKDDDDDK/D
LAMBS! 89301465551014852663052200/07/131/387/1
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LAMBS! magii1049523223026326219394440/00/220/104/6DKXDK/DKKDKKK/KKKDK/KKKDDXKKDDDD/K/K/KDDDDKKDTTKK
LAMBS! 2. Juuti13611726197123428718991600/06/10/1017/5KDKKT/KDDKDSDKXKKDK/KKKKDKKKKDDKDK/DKKKDKDTKKDKD
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g1811642011511636742338800/01/020/50/1//K/KD/KKKKKTKKDK/K/KKDDSKKDKKKXKK
LAMBS! BossHK1219717144114241719742060/00/215/63/2KK/DKDK/TKDKKKKDKK/DKKKDKK/DKSDDD
LAMBS! turbocommie1431232316400335493077180/00/222/81/5KD/KKDDDKKKKDDKKKKKDKDKDK/KK/KKDKDKDKKDXX
LAMBS! 1375961098223362217189112279080/07/777/3925/19

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LAMBS! magii4092615400416031506360/00/24/82/1K/DDDDDK/KD/DKDDD/KDK
LAMBS! 2. Juuti5054918200216011872890/04/10/155/1D/XDKDDKDDDDDKK/KDDKKDDKDKDD
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g93871415500322092459980/00/113/91/1DDK/DKDKKKK/DK/KDDDKDDDKDKKKK
LAMBS! BossHK3350721300711272492720/00/06/101/4K//DKDDDK/D/DD/KDDDKDD/DK/KD
LAMBS! turbocommie73631115301222502392830/00/412/50/3K/TDDKDKDDKDKKDKKDKDDK/DDKD
LAMBS! 5834647841701188790107213780/04/835/479/10

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: ...
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: NO YAWN GODDAMNIT
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: rup
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: they demand yawn
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: whats the problem?
s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: pb guid
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: problem officer
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: whos
s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: pb bans
s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: gg
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: nice
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: guys
LAMBS! BossHK [Warmup]: oo
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: what are you talking about
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: o.O
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: turbocommie
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: ban, wrong pb guid
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: in cb
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: T_T
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: what
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: u gotta be kidding
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: im pretty sure he has no bans
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: change player or w/o
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: rlu?
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: how do u know my guid if this is nopb server
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: T_T
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: :::::::::::D
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: speak english?
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-b83ffa17-vb165629.html
s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: 30 marz 12:36
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: noooooo
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: yes
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: year?
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: :)
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: SRSLY
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: 2010
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: this is just ladder oddi
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: dont tell killerboy!11
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: offi*
kuba'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: 1938
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: i cant click that link
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: wtf
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: mirc ?
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: change
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: player
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: or w/o
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: its not h8m3
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: :|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: call for killerboy homo homo homo
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: guys ever heard of pb guids?
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: xD
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: plz
LAMBS! BossHK [Warmup]: pb on so u can see pbguid?
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: 1- in your team men with b83ffa17 is not exist
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: 2
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: guys ever heard of playing for fun?
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: oh my god
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: no versus cheater
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: bb
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: guys ever heard of zyklon b?
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: :D
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: turbo costam
snider'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: :D
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: he doesnt have ban @ cb
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: so just rup
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: what the fuck are you guys talking about
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: but wrong pb guid !!!
LAMBS! BossHK [Warmup]: 1. he hasnt cheated 2. he doesn't cheat
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: omfg
LAMBS! BossHK [Warmup]: 3, so lets play
snider'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: rly?
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: what the fuck YOU are talking about
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: nothing what you say makes no sense, ready up or you lose by forfeit
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: do you even speak english
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: kurwa mac
LAMBS! BossHK [Warmup]: Ich habe lederhose und ich m chte wissen, was du hast
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: oh
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: :D?
LAMBS! BossHK [Warmup]: Nienawidze polskich graczy, poniewaz oni sa tak kurewsko oczywisci
kuba'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: nie sap po niemiecku
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: nothing what you say makes no sense, ready up or you lose by forfeit
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: ok
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: joo mustakin sää oot kiva
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: lose by forfeit :XD?
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: ok
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: yes
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: ready up
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: do you have english in schools?
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: u only have to change guy
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: ...
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: no need, hes not banned
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: whom?
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: no c&a-profile
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: ::T
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: cu irc iowa
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: or magi
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: iowa isnt even here
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: rofl
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: :DDDD
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: he says his guid is ok
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: his guids are ok
snider'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: :D
snider'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: u say
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: what did they mix up in ur villages drinking water -well this time
LAMBS! BossHK [Warmup]: whos guid u are checking?
s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: i said shut the fuck up
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: can u just rup
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: nothing what you say makes no sense, ready up or you lose by forfeit
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: well forfeit is just ok
LAMBS! BossHK [Warmup]: u have about 6mins
LAMBS! 2. Juuti [Warmup]: but id rather play offi than prac
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: tell them to ready up or loose by forfeit
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: loose or play
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: lose *
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: ill turn it off by 50 percent
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: ...
LAMBS! magii [Warmup]: rup or forfeit
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: plz
LAMBS! turbocommie [Countdown]: finally
s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Countdown]: gl
LAMBS! magii [Countdown]: hf
LAMBS! magii [Countdown]: :D
[11:58]: Allies team locked from spectators by LAMBS! turbocommie
[11:47]: s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOLcalled a vote.
[11:44]: Vote cancelled
LAMBS! turbocommie [11:09]: oh
[10:41]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[10:40]: Axis reclaim the Forward Bunker!
LAMBS! turbocommie [10:37]: XD
[10:20]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:13]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
[9:03]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[9:00]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[8:54]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:02]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
[7:14]: Allies have secured the East Radar Parts!
LAMBS! turbocommie [7:08]: *o*
[5:21]: Allies have secured the West Radar Parts!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 6:38
[6:16]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
LAMBS! turbocommie [6:08]: xd
[5:23]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
[5:02]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:34]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
[3:53]: Axis have returned the objective!
[3:53]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[3:39]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [2:56]: :D
[2:42]: Allies have secured the East Radar Parts!
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [0:01]: :D
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (6:38)
abject'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: :D
s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: pozdrowienia dla HITMANA :*
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Warmup]: gas chamber :*
LAMBS! turbocommie [Warmup]: have u guys been at EGU?
s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: no
slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Warmup]: stfu
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [Countdown]: why not? u would have won
LAMBS! turbocommie [14:58]: by forfeit
[13:03]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[13:01]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
[11:56]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[11:43]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:53]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[8:35]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [8:32]: :::::::::::D
[8:15]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:02]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[7:53]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[7:21]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[7:09]: The Allies have breached the Depot's west wall!
LAMBS! turbocommie [5:53]: *o*
[5:26]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[5:19]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[5:18]: The Allies have activated the crane!
LAMBS! turbocommie [5:05]: :S
[5:05]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
LAMBS! turbocommie [4:31]: stuck
[3:41]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 11:18
[11:01]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:47]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[10:15]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[10:05]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
LAMBS! turbocommie [8:01]: :D?
[7:47]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[7:38]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[7:35]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[7:23]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:22]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[6:30]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[6:28]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[6:27]: The Allies have activated the crane!
LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g [6:21]: xd
[6:13]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
LAMBS! turbocommie [5:05]: *o*
s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [4:34]: np for wh :) ?
LAMBS! turbocommie [4:30]: *o*
LAMBS! turbocommie [4:19]: *o*
s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [3:32]: gg forfeit 4:0 bb
LAMBS! magii [3:25]: what? D:
LAMBS! magii [3:24]: :D
[2:59]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 8:18 (original: 11:18)
[Intermission]: kuba'TAGAPAGTANGGOL disconnected
s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL [Intermission]: bb
[Intermission]: s1zee'TAGAPAGTANGGOL disconnected
[Intermission]: slash'TAGAPAGTANGGOL disconnected
[Intermission]: LAMBS! magii disconnected
[Intermission]: snider'TAGAPAGTANGGOL disconnected
[Intermission]: LAMBS! grv-lohi#r@g disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.