Scilicet vs Szacunek Ludzi Ulicy (4807 views)

be Kevin
be vyper
be Jorke
nl Eddo
nl bassie
pl dnl
pl syriusz
pl winq
pl riseye
pl lamek
pl Cursed
Premier League

Playoffs - round 1
06.06.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Jorke (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 22111
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


gl biesten
izi bash
gl eSeLU :D
gl to Eddo, since he's the only one here that needs it
gl fejczan :D
jak przegracie to jestescie JEBANE LOW!
peja to cwel
wiesz co sie liczy ?
szacunek ludzi ulicy i dobry smak poledwicy :D?
miec dziewice w piwnicy?
gl Eddo
gl syriusz
krakow pobor ;)
gl vyper & eddo
zescie sobie nazwe dali
Peja to pala wyglada mi na pedala GL SLU
(add Cursed to lineup)
gl dnl
Boss played EC not possible i do believe otherwise i'd bet on him
he was just backup from bF and killerboy said we could use him if they agreed, they are using cursed too now, he played EC qualies.
cursed is allowed out of ruleset if he played the qualifier only. It's a complete different issue to Boss
They told me on irc they weren't allowed to use cursed and i said they could if we could use boss, that's all i know. They agreed back then so i don't see any prob now as i spoke to kb about this.
rofl, fucking lier? i'll just copy our conversation here, but since u're lying, we're not allowing you to use boss. prepare another lineup

(19:20:51) (Jorke) btw do you guys have a problem with the fact that Boss will be playing for us in OC? coz he was kicked out of bF (where he was backup in EC) and he's cless now
(19:21:01) (Jorke) killerboy didn't have a problem with this
(19:21:04) (Jorke) since he was just backup
(19:21:10) (Jorke) just asking u guys now to be sure
(19:23:23) (SLU|dnl) so he wasnt playing for them?
(19:23:44) (Jorke) he was just backup
(19:23:51) (SLU|dnl) if he did we dont agree cause we also wanted to add a player that played @ EC quali and we wasnt allowed to do that
(19:24:03) (SLU|dnl) but if he wasnt playing then np
(19:37:47) (Jorke) well i just checked and he was just backup, he was always on the gtv list but phille played so np i guess, btw if you guys still want to add that player you can do it also.
(19:38:11) (SLU|dnl) nah 2late, we already got Cursed
(19:39:18) (Jorke) cursed also played EC?
(19:39:32) (SLU|dnl) previous edition maybe ;P

we checked it and boss played EC so nice lying. and pls show me where i wrote that cursed wasnt allowed?:XD
So I guess you won't allow me to play?
that's right
enjoy your forfeit

pocalhunting, its an art on its own
we werent allowed to play with s1lent either so I guess you should complain to clanbase ;)
nothing to do with clanbase, killerboy said I was allowed if you accepted it, its you refusing me to play, not CB, doesnt suprise me though,

Its just fucked up for scilicet, since I dont think they can get 5 now, for the record, I dont care about this, just wanted to help my friends out
oh I wonder how they managed to win the groupstage then?
CB fucked us up with not allowing s1lent to play, so Im doing exactly the same what they did to us ;) that's all
I know you rather get forfeit than having to play for your victory, but blaming CB here is just retarded, this case is in no way related to yours with s1lent
so you're not any better than CB lol, stop whining about cb if you just do the same .
and we played with bassie as rifle during OC but he's pretty inactive and i don't think he can make it.
looks like the only thing which is retarded here is you :XD i dont know what's so hard to understand in what im trying to say, but since u're a belgian its not very suprising for me

@ Jorke : not my problem who u will play with
i just don't see why you wanna win in such a lame way, i'll do anything to keep you guys out of OC now, gl tonight.
stop whining about CB next time, you ain't any better retard.
haha this is hilarious, u're breaking the rules and accusing me of trying to win in lame way :XDDDD thx for a nice laugh in the morning
oh so suddenly when you noticed there is no way we agree on boss it occures you have 5th. unexpected
like I said, i have no idea if he will make it.
where are we breaking the rules? learn to read already

Killerboy allowed me to play, if you did, no rules broken here sir
I just don't understand why you're making such a big issue of it... with or without boss, what's the difference for u guys? You had the same issue and now you're just fucking us like cb fucked u, cb accept it if you guys accept...
what i wrote above
well this is my bad, sorry for this, thought you meant Cursed with this player...
[19:23] <SLU|dnl> if he did we dont agree cause we also wanted to add a player that played @ EC quali and we wasnt allowed to do that
and I thought phille played in EC and boss did in EMS so that's also my bad, guess i'll have to check everything in the future instead of believing my sources=)
Quotehe played EC qualies.

No I didn't.
thx for the info!
Jebac cale SLU to Peji i to wasze :D
Wiadomo kto wygra :)
Scilicet gl
to jest o hejtach jak beda konczyc, magik ten szmaciarz do nich dolaczyl
dlaczego magik kurwa jest?
dlaczego magik kurwa jest?
boss, ge hebt ze met een aClmx mixke gepakt (en me dieje nub in ons team) dus dees moet zeker easy zijn :))
kga ni moge spele

polen willen pocalhunten
die dachten da ze ons ook efkes gingen pakken tot wnnr ze zagen da gij meedee hé ;)
dus ze hebben hun leske geleerd :)
talent, some ppl just have a lot of it
Czekam :D
Policja ma na was wyjebane!
A ja mam na policje!!
gl & hf lamek! pokaz im jak sie gra ;)...
wow, "Szacunek ludzi ulicy", rozpierdalaja mnei takie nazwy xDDD. Chyba zaloze klan "Jestes szalona" XDD
gl Kevin & Eddo :}
You have € 250 on pl SLU
You won € 840
dzieki syriusz
You have € 250 on SLU
You won € 840
dzieki dnliusz
juz cie spamowal zebys dopisal ? ;D xD
nie! ;D
gg byczki ;d

teraz widze jakies lowy team-target czekaja na was, prosta droga do finalu ;D
no boss no win
You have € 250 on pl SLU
You won € 840

thankyouuuuuu kevin!
you always know who to bet=)
though it was very close here
what do u mean? =D

i lose many bets :<
dunno, I just remembered you posting "thanks kevin" when we played pharaons...
you're lucky boss wasn't allowed to play this time!
Why are you listed as the winners on Is there anything I missed? :p
i think you looked somewhere wrong:P it's correct on cb, slu has to play against target now? don't see what you mean:P
Yeah, because I asked the supervisor wtf was going on, and he edited. nvm :)
too bad, was hoping you would respond with 'syriusz got busted, that's why you guys go trough' :(
fuck, was so close :(
thx pejowicze You have € 100 on SLU
You won € 33