Inglorious Basterds vs 2Frequentic11 (5601 views)

gb Potty
gb miXerrr
fr AkrAm
de mUnduS
hr BeanS
be actaeon
be JensKe
be kriskeeeun
be SaTaN
be wAFEL
be wouter
05.06.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: potty (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 11101
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


good luck ib!
Have fun Potty m8 lunaa & of course AKRAM MY TROLL NEIGHBOOR!!!!11

e : SaTaN aswell ;{D
thx troll neighboor
izi 4 zeh potty :>
lunaaaaaa <3
gogogoogo potty mundus and my frenchies <3
You have € 310 on gb cube.ib Cancel bet
Possible win: € 514.6

go potty
gl potty gl ib :D
gl ib
gl disciple
GL Luna, Potty & akram!
where everything is fucked up in the cube, hf potty^^
i'm not gonna say anything about the match
i only say: Potty!
i'm not gonna say anthing about the comment
i only say: ASSLICKING!
im not going to say anything about mUndUs
i only say: lowskiller
im not going to say anything about potty
i only say: nerd
im not going to say anything about galiathus
i only say lol
i'm not going to say anything about ibetthaticanbet
i only say: you can't bet
do it potty!
gl toon:)
potty's car goes ...
gl mundus
gogogog beans!
gl best panzer in the uk
easy for cube
is time for cube ib to come, see and conquere.finish this on the top please!
potty wil not deliver ;)
gl mundus
gl mUnduS <3 and Potty ;)
Put kaizi in the list, he is the missing star!
I don't think we play because the caln doesn't exist anymore so
and we got exames so no ETTV match and ib wins
xD this really is hilarious
still i hope u guys can play cause i dont want ib to win like this :( is no honour no glory no nothing in a forfeit.i want blood and broken bones xD
GL mUnduSausoruS <3
gl akram
so we will play or no ?
we must play pls i want to see an epic match :D
Potty is gay
how do u know :o?dont tell me u had an affair with him :S
gl mixer n potty <33
gl mixer potty akram

how original clan name.......too much tv ..hmmm?

we got smt for u....maybe u want it....hmmm?
nerds playing on saturday -_-
Nerd commenting on Friday night -_-
and u are what?a natural phenomenon?
gl mundus
I like Jacke Chan , he is my mate!
Leave him alone!
kriskeen & sataaaaan gl
gl hf zuir (from russia)
dont fail again mixer :P
gl akram<3
gl mundus, this means no OC for us with u? :(
gl satan and jenske!!!!!nice to see you here.
You have € 50 on gb cube.ib
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.

that means the match is canceled?:o
god damn it how many time is this when this shit happends...
every clan u wanna play aainst dies hahaha