Netrunners vs Team - Helix (19504 views)

pl Kot
pl Buzka
pl Chester
pl Robol
pl Rio
pl Oic
pl Gotti
de dXc
de Biqq
de Ramin
de Drago
de Riddla
de Conan
Winners Bracket First Round
14.01.07 22:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ClanBase ET EuroCup XIV
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Adacore (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Slots: 1,000
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Viewer Peak: 607


very close game imo , gg both teams . <3 kot
Easy bash for team Helix
kot <3 gl both
easy 4 ^hx I hope...!
kot <3
go netr
hx will take it easy...
conan 4 rifle :x
netr vs team de? :)
go go NETR u can do it easy..
"real team PL" vs "real team GER"
the best pol team vs the best ger team :P:D
yeah, best team-ger without butchji, hatred, urtier & senji...
for sure
i dont get your point

those four who you mentioned are not playing in german team.
team-helix is the best german team atm. that means it consist of germans.

also, your point about players doesnt rly make sense too.
night, revers, reload, senji, urtier, jakazc arent the best players in the world.
but together, they are the best clan in the universe.

and if you ment that zP is german team... it perhaps is german-languaged or
german-gender or i dont know something like that, but it is not yerman. :)
ohzorFOUR got own3d!
i just missunderstood your comment as i interpreted your comment as something like "this team would be the best team-germany (nationscup n stuff)"
nP dude
what team is it? :<
nice1 zweimal-auf-sich-selber-replying-skillz
now i understand what you mean :)
respect kader \/
bwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbw bwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbw bwbwbw
idd fully agree
lumpi -.-
that's some huge nonsense speech of yours ?

best clan in the universe .. iv lol'd
u wanna miss wiesiek from team pol?
except butchji,urtier,senji - thx
easy for hx imo...
robol will pown them.
go kotatko :]
KOT will pown them, he is a GOSU!!!
rofl @ odds
Netrunners 1.25 vs 5.00 Team - Helix Total pot: 32889 €
bnc za free? jak to? :p
easy for NETR
68 to Helix
btw mashed for itg !!
go rio! smash them!
go go NETR ! <3 buzka , kot , chester ! !!
lol gotti nor play > hx win
gl Net
please your money on NETR to make easy money for me
kot > evil
buzka > biqq
chester < ramin
robol = riddla
rio = drago
gotti < conan

rofl sure :DDD
idiot ::::D this game isnt 1on1
Netrunners 1.25 vs 5.00 Team - Helix


n1 win imo :P
kot > evil buzka = biqq chester > ramin robol > riddla rio = drago gotti > conan teamplay hx > NETR
just watch kadir's comment. the skill of a team doesnt depent on a small different of skillz. hx was the 2nd best clan after idle for a while. because of their impressive teamplay. then they lost against aMenti and "everything went wrong"
lol nice odds
arni > kot
Is moving, according to biqq, and probably won't be online in time for the game. hx are trying to find a replacement, I believe.
My money is on helix!
08/12 22:00 LAT 4.20 vs 1.31 SUI 169€ on SUI Lost

no way u took him the money for a good sized shirt :I
wtf who is tba
ferus ????????
Monday, 13th November 2006

Netrunners 5.00 vs 1.25 Team - Helix NETR 2 - 4 hx

Sunday, 14th January 2007

Netrunners 1.27 vs 4.67 Team - Helix

se tba = de dXc ?
bw u rule
gl kot buzka, gl biqq
tba is agood plyah :)
gl helix!
who is dXc?!
dxc <3
where is the evil?
hx without evil -=> low+ :]
Who the hell is dxc?
dXc -> owner <3 ;)
dXc = nub der kann garnix :P gl hx
ol yep "oldscool" player ... xD

anyway hx ftw
omg was macht der nub da?
der hat schon et gespielt, da hast du noch die bibi blocksberg kassetten deiner schwester geklaut und pokemon aufm gambeboy gezockt. also fressbrett halten und goq pub rocken.
lol owned
genau das gameplay besitzt er heute noch. welches auch der grund ist warum ich zum 1. mal gegen euch wetten muss :/
lol was heisst hier noob der geht voll ab
sure lol
greets buzka gl
i got my money on hx gL guys own dem bitches lol
danke^^ d=25 ^^
with that old schooler guy i think pl will win.
who is dXc
edit : ah ..kk
Your bet: 50€ on NETR Possible Win: 79 € (+29 €)
what happened to evil. imho best hx player.. naah... drago is ;)
but where is evil?
evil didn`t play anymore for hx as I hear!
official statement according to our lineup change will be up today on
gl daniel!
Your bet: 100€ on hx
Possible Win: 339 € (+239 €)
Netrunners 1.42 vs 3.37 Team - Helix Total pot: 164830 €

Something missing :P
go go netr !:*
with gotti back and evil gone id say NETR are slight favourites
Normally Helix would take it, but due to evil's absence I'll go for NETR, sorry.
dude, may i offer you my sincere condolences regarding your gbooky?
gotti not play... Kot
n1ce info ownerekus.
pl buzka
pl chester
pl kot
pl gotti
pl rio
pl Robol^
go go netr ^^
izi bash for netr
go helix
buzka na et owned nie bylo w lineupie gottiego wiec pomyslalem ze on naprawde nie gra ale skoro gra to sie bardzo ciesze przepraszam cie buzka ze moze cie urazilem tym ze podalem zly lineup

oic > buzka IMO
nie urazilo mnie to, i moim zdaniem tez oic jest lepszy.
haha ;d
gl hx
gl both
who is dXc?
gl both teams
NETR fo sho
NETR fo sho
hx 4 sho gl jungs :)
war dXc nicht damals die letzte Bastion der ISDN-User ? :]
DSL-light pls. er brauch im ts nen codec von 12.3 um nicht 999 zu laggen. :x
4-2 netrunners
ez for netr
go NETR!
netr gogo !!!
go kot
[CB] NightRaver: helix is beeing idle'ised

4:2 4 NETR
gg NETR 1.57 on adler ;)
helix were totally destroyed mentally after almost fullhold on adler, so that 1:57 doesnt rly matter.
4-2 netl
helix raped :D
Netr 4:2 hx

1:57 on adler : O
<3 Kot!
wp kot ;o
Your bet: 5€ on hx Possible Win: 8 € (+3 €)
kot > all
4 - 2 for NETR
yea go NETR

Your bet: 80€ on NETR Possible Win: 210 € (+130 €)
Your bet: 222€ on hx

thx for a nice game netr!!!
p.s. kot is player of the match fo sho!!!
Your bet: 2000€ on NETR Possible Win: 5260 € (+3260 €)
Very nice game NETR

<3 NETR!!!!:>
GG NETR !!!!!!!
Won 17679

wp! ;]
i cant believe hx won the first map, havent seen it but they got owned rly hard on sd and adler :o
Poland ruless:)
<3 kot
Unexpected! Great job Polska!
oh helix ich hab auf euch gesetzt noobs :P
Your bet: 8395€ on NETR Won 22079€

ich hab euch trotzdem noch lieb drago & biq ;o)
lol gambit, du verräter :)

mein geld ist auch futsch. egal, ihr gewinnt halt das nächste mal
wieso isst er ein verräter wenn er dXc verabscheut?
wp on adler NETR, just saw the match on ETTV :)
haha, good job! <3 kot
Just gotti <3 :)
aah i lost 40 $ :o oHnOeZ. unexpected btw
@swine. Vielleicht bist du der Ironie nicht mächtig, also erst denken, dann schreiben.

