vs Team newind (6924 views)

de mAurice
de Daenji
de ViTamin
pl nAmewAy
de derbeste
fr ewAz
tr metC
be xkl
fr scRimi
fr xiN
Playoffs 3rd Div.
06.06.10 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mAusrice (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8278
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
fr #eNergiz TV I
By: kURS (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 31


ez 4 acid hackers :ppPppPPpPPppp
gl acid ;D
funny fun is fun ^_^
hf noobs
gl nAmewAy
what happening that u dont wish me gl anymore ? :(
because wishing you gl is a waste of time cuz you will suck anyway :))
gejway zydoski zydzie ja nie nadazaju
loose it acid no gl 4 mausriceeeeee ;op
Oh noeZ :(

you did not shotout for me !!!

ill give u one in the match :p
gl ACiD, hf nAmewAy
oh , we play sunday ,thank you for information
GL newind! You have € 95 on eu newind Cancel bet
Possible win: € 163.4
compte pas sur xkl c'est un loser :<
moi je vais bet sur acid, faire un full tk team et être le plus riche sur GTV :D
my money 4 you maurice :) gl/hf
lol xkl sa fait 1mois que j'ai plus jouer au moins :p je jouerai ce w-e surement mais chui pas sur , on vera ! CU <3
c'est maurice, il a pris la dernière LU sur gtv :XD
il a edit :D mais si tu veux t'es le bien venu!
no he isnt welcome ;D
Lol ça fait deux ans que j'ai pas joué moi mais perso je pense que tout le monde s'en fout! T'as de la chance, toi!
lol newind played in a low/+ cup ;O =D
whats their skill actually? i missed it o.0
gl acid :)
we got kicked , reason : fake skill ...
xkl be
MetC tr
ewAz fr
scRimi fr
seNtehj fr (not sure...)
gl hf Daenji :** mAurice !!
OMG scrimi OMG :D
GL ewaz scrimi xkl :)

PS: Quel connard ce scrim ;)
wheres predi ? :DddDdDDddDDdddDddd
gg hackers vs hackers
ich bin der einzigste der cheatet oO

einzigste existiert nich
das ist mein dialekt soz :P
hat nix mit dialekt zu tun sondern mit der bildung.
ich hauptschuleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
gl kiwi ;)
gl Vitaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
newind get walls bitches
What the hell is a wall?
walls = wh obviously
kid , it was ironic
on the right , you have a button called "reply"
enjoyed rolling in 3o3?xD
ewAz rolled you easy bash :D

phazor whined whined and whined :D
La règle du CVC, consonne voyelle consonne, tu ajoutes la même consonne. Ce qui donne Whinned*
lols i iz xiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiter
phazor would actually rape your fucking belgass if hes on top times and at 5on5 , believe me :)))
MetC Public Owner, np4him.

kiwi gl, zeig es den. Wie ich dir das beim Aim Training trainiert hatte vor paar wochen. Nutz meine Tipps mein Schüler.
und merke: Immer auf kopf zielen, wie ich dir das gelernt hatte auf valhalla. Schafst es mein Schüler!
das erledigt mein aimbot von alleine
yerman skillz ?
ausländer skillz
izi for newind cheaters :) get walls

gl kiwi dänji mauricE
You have € 326 on eu newind Cancel bet
Possible win: € 635.7

Go go newind :)
Alors, heureux?
easy 4 vita
gl vitamin
Match will be willcard imo
ya pas de wilcard en playoffs, désolé.
no wildcard at playoffs
btw i said to maurice, not sunday, i don't accept the match on cb
and he said "use your willcard"
It's gonna be legen... Wait for it... You can wait for a long time because this match won't be played imo!

Quote166268 20:46 In7-th0rdis • 5v5 med our no ACiD`mAurice
166269 20:46 ACiD`mAurice • ur cool polak
166271 20:46 ACiD`mAurice • go and take some gas
166277 20:47 ddealers-DOOPPI • ow maurice I played him today 2
166281 20:47 ACiD`mAurice • u hack anyway :D
166283 20:47 ACiD`mAurice • who said that not ?`
166287 20:47 ACiD`mAurice • u suck
166291 20:47 ACiD`mAurice • take ohnoez
166293 20:48 ACiD`mAurice • ur skill if u got hacks off
166296 20:48 In7-Pius • ACiD`mAurice please stfu
166298 20:48 ACiD`mAurice • no u hacker
166313 20:49 In7-Pius • ACiD`mAurice how old are you?
166315 20:49 ACiD`mAurice • i dont talk to polaks
166316 20:49 ACiD`mAurice • bb

Youuuuu're racist bastard!
Of course it is! You're already a racist bastard!
166269 20:46 ACiD`mAurice • ur cool polak
166271 20:46 ACiD`mAurice • go and take some gas

history knowledge > all
Finaly , we can play
ou have € 50 on de ACiD Cancel bet
Possible win: € 102

I win anyway!
By the way, there's no ETTV = No stress and hack on! :)
gl scrim xkl
xiN olol ! Qu'est-ce tu fous xkl ! En tout cas j'parie sur ta grande gueule de belge alors vends moi du rêve !
gl metc
You have € 250 on de ACiD
You lost

no prez no win :/
You have € 343 on de ACiD
You lost

allways a fail :)
omg acid wtf useless
31've seen my low game... :'(
My name is scRimi , i am useless
My name is xiN, I made 25/40 4909 5237 on supply as fops... Now I'll kill myself!
maurice gtfo "ja wir gewinnen locker die sind mixed"
wenn nicht alle so mitmachen wie man selbst kann ich da auch nichts machen :)
in deinen team war nur Daenji noch schlechter als du ;)
heut ging ja mal garnichts :/
wie mans nimmst wir hatten die falg auf supply schnell und wäre ein wenig mehr brain und gamesense dabei gewesen haetten wir supply auch gewonnen von daher ...
gg :)
you hurt on delivery @ allies
why me ?:D
cuz you damaged them HARD fuck yeah
Agree... Axis aCid.nAmewAy #s 24 30 8 3 44 8 4419 2802 232 38
You have € 50 on eu newind
You won € 97